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This book is dedicated to
everyone who have

And soon you'll realise - every step we've taken is in pace.


I was day dreaming again. It had come to a point where I would merely shrug my shoulders when I caught my thoughts twisting and flying off to somewhere unknown, somewhere where they'll be stuck at for probably the next few hours, somewhere where my willpower was diminished to nothing but ashes.

And you may ask, where was this magical place that seemed to draw me in so readily, yet wouldn't hesitate to push me down a dark, bottomless pit? It came in the form of a ruthlessly beautiful creature by the name of Jeon Jungkook. Ruthless, in a sense that he invaded my thoughts at the most private of times, even when I was on the verge of letting him go. Beautiful, in a way that took my breath away no matter what he did.

At this point in time, I'd like to clarify that he wasn't a typical infatuation. He was a crush, yes, but I was absolutely sure that I was nothing but in love with him. I'd like to think of it as, well, fate, when I'd first laid my eyes on him. He and his family had moved into the terrace house right opposite ours, and my mother, being her nosy self, pestered me all morning to pass our new neighbours a cake she'd baked.

"Time to make some friends, Dalis," she said. Oh, I hate it when she does that.

And so being my usual, grumpy self, I moaned and groaned my way to the house, swinging the bag of cake in my hand as high as possible, smirking at gravity's harsh ways as the bag dropped back down, the sudden motion causing the cake to tumble in its box. I must admit, I was such an arse, thinking it would serve as some form of revenge. But you know what they say: karma's a bitch. As I reluctantly rang the doorbell, I heard the loud padding of footsteps behind the door before it was yanked open. From that moment onwards, my life had changed.

"May I help you?" His sweet, melodic voice made its way into my ears as my eyes almost fell out of their sockets. Was this an angel sent by God? His eyes crinkled as he smiled at me, and his mouth was tugged upwards in the most adorably crooked way. You know that feeling where you're sure you'd definitely blush around a particular someone, and that you'd sacrifice everything just to watch them dreamily from afar? When that realisation kicked in, my cheeks were probably stained a deep, tomato red. Clutching the most-likely-destroyed cake in my hands, I tentatively passed the bag over to him.

"Oh, thank you!" He lets out a laugh so infectious I smiled back. My body was heating up just by standing in front of him. Wake up, Dalis!

"I'm Jungkook," he revealed, and I swore I saw a twinkle in his eye. "Who are you?"

I had to admit, I was surprised that he was still talking to me after I'd passed him the cake. Most would usually thank me and return to whatever they were doing without even staying to converse. It was utterly refreshing, and it made me blush, of course. I looked pretty ordinary, actually. Shoulder-length brown hair, moderately large eyes, a slightly blunt nose with small lips. If you saw me on the streets, I'd probably be blending in with the crowds. I wasn't noticeable, and none of my features were unique. But I guess I didn't look all that bad, although my confidence was way lacking even though I had nothing to be ashamed about. And that would explain why I didn't have many friends.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Dalis." I cringed inwardly at how formal I'd sounded, but part of me was pleased that I didn't stutter. Whoops, better not jinx it.

love on the deck | p.jiminWhere stories live. Discover now