date night

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M$Yn pov

Am kinds excited that Chresanto wants to take me on a date,I starting to like is personnar a lot. He left after telling me to get ready for the date he said wear something comfortable, I took a long bubble bath then walked into the closet looking for what to wear ummm a black and white stripped knee high dress,black open heels,black shades,crotch bag put my hair in a polytail,pink gloss and sprayed pink friday. Damn I look good

Buzz buzz+text+

Really chressybaby lol

Chressybaby:are you ready?

Mrsroyal:yes,where are you?

Chresbaby:come outside

I didn't reply I walked out side expecting chresanto only to meet rayan

"Where's chresanto?"

"Just come with me" he said heading toward his white audi R8,he opened the passangers do for me then went to the drivers side

"Seat back and relax" that's exactly what I did tho in my mind I was thinking of where he was taking me my eyes shut


"Chresanto!" I cried out for him over and over again tears running down my face"where are you!"It was dark and cold out side I couldn't see I was clearly

"Yn yn bbaby don't look back just run" I heard his voice from behind he sounded hurt I stood wanting shouting again"run yn just run trust me" and I did I ran leaving me alone

BOOM was all I heard from a distance


"Yn! Baby wake up" I heard I faint voice I opened my eyes chresanto was kneeing outside the car rayan was not there I looked at him and hugged him

"Its okay, i-if you don't want to be on this date we cou-"

"No let's go"I said quickly he smiled. He looked like he wanted to ask something but quickly shut up"alright close your eyes and trust me"he helped me out the car

He lead me through a flight of stairs the place was abit chilly but I could deal,was this how my life was with chresanto so prefect so romantic

I heard a something like a door opening and close

"Ok ... Open" he said abit nervous

We were on a balcony viewing the beach,a table for two,2 food dishes set,a bottle of champaign in a bucket full of ice,candles around the balcony.


I must have zooned out for to long because chresanto starting worrying

"Do you like it or not we can go som-"

" No I love it,its perfect and simply thank you" I peeked his cheek then blush

He held his hand out for me"shall we?" I put my hand in his as we walked to the table he let go so he could pull the chair out for me then walked to his

"This is wow its amazing" looking around

"Am glad you like it,champaign?" I nodded he poured us to glasses

"Can we eat?" Just as I asked that my stomach growled how embrassing he chuckled opend the lids revealing chrimp and a some red sause on one dish, the other had nachaos and cheese dip yummy

"I know its nothing fansy but you loved this"he said

"Can you stop worry okay everything is perfect"I held his hand to reasure him and smiled the sparks I felt made me pull away and blush

Roc pov

The date is amamzing joking around,having fun,taking funny pics stuff like that, just like she used to her smile,the way her eyes sparkle the sun was staring to set behind the ocean I held her hand leading her to the bars after refilling the glasses.we looked at it for quite sometime I had take a pic of the sunseting and post it on ig

"Why did you bring here?this abandoned building" she asked looking at me playing with the champaign

I stoped looking at took my eyes back to the sunseting"this is where I took you for our first date and asked you to be my girlfriend"I looked back at her with a smile small

"Oh it really is beautiful,thank you so much"she smiles back

"For what?"

"Trying to help gain my memory back"she looked at her shoes I lefted her face with index finger

"You don't have to thank me.."

".c-can I k-kiss you?" She asked shly

I leaned in so did she our lips met she wrapped her arms around my neck I wraaped mine around her waist pulling her close brushing my tongue at her bottom lip she opened up our tongues danced together we mover in sync it was romantic nothing bet this moment

She pulled away smiling/blushing we stayed for like one more our before we lift


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Sorry for the wait

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