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Soft waves kissed the shore, covering up footprints left in the sand. Heterochromatic eyes scanned the beach, not looking for anything in particular. Shoto was never really looking for anything in particular, but somehow he always found his eyes scanning everything and everyone anywhere he went.

Ever since Midoriya practically disappeared off the planet Earth, Shoto always caught himself looking for the olive haired boy. To be honest, he did miss him. Most of their old classmates had moved away for hero work, for better opportunities. But the duel user knew that Midoriya was still living in the area somewhere, only due to the fact that he had seen him several times on TV, saving citizens in the area.

Midoriya had become a pretty popular hero over the years, just as Todoroki expected, so it was pretty common to see him on the small screen.

Shoto hadn't seen the green haired male on TV in a while, maybe about two weeks Until recently he had seen the younger male fighting along side Bakugo and a couple other hero's he wasn't familiar with. After the fight Midoriya smiled and waved awkwardly at the cameras and people cheering for him, but the limelight was cut short as an angry Bakugo grabbed the smaller male by his upper arm and forcefully dragged him away from the crowd. Todoroki couldn't believe that Midoriya was even still associating with the hothead.

It made the duel user angry that he wasn't able to do anything to help. He knew that their relationship wasn't healthy by any means. He knew it back in college, when Midoriya began distancing himself from all of his friends. It wasn't like him at all. Shoto felt partially responsible for the position that the younger male was in. The reason being, when they first started seeing each other, Shoto had stood up to Bakugo when he noticed that something was not right with their relationship. The blond wasn't having any of it and told Todoroki to mind his own business. But how could he when he knew his friend wasn't doing good? The only reason Bakugo didn't get plummeted into the ground was because Midoriya had strongly reassured Todoroki that "Everything's fine." and "He has a good side once you get to know him better." He wished that he has just trusted his instincts. Midoriya was blind at the time. Why didn't he save him?

Tears stained his pale skin, the wind blowing them right off his cheeks. Todoroki stopped walking to wipe his face, slicking his hair back into it's usual position and taking in a deep breath. Heterochromatic eyes squinted with confusion as he saw a large object on the beach farther away from the water. Shoto stepped out of the wet sand and slid his sandals back on as he starting heading toward the large object with curiosity. It somewhat looked like a trashbag that someone just threw on the beach. It moved, and the male hesitated. Maybe it was an animal? Shoto lit up a small fire from his left hand so he could see better as he approached the being. It was a person, curled up with their legs to their chest, head burrowed in their knees. The duel user noticed that the person curled up seemed to be crying and shaking. He was a hero after all. Maybe he could help.

The flames grew larger as he got closer to the person, "Are you alright?"

Shotos eyes went wide when the person jumped in fear, trembling as he spoke, defensivly hiding himself behind his hands. "I'm- I'm sorry Kaachan! I was just- just, I just needed some fresh air! Please, I- I'm sorry..."

As soon as Shoto realized who the person was, instinctively the whole left side of his body lit up in flames with shock. "Midoriya!?"

The other male hesitantly peeked out from heind his hands, obvious tears in his eyes. Shotos name choked in his throat. "Todoroki?"

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