Salene and Louis

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Hey, my names Salene btw. I'm a big One Direction fan and I decided to do a one shot about me and Louis bc why not. I write on my phone as well so sorry about any errors! But here it is (:

Ahh yes, tonights the night! I've been waiting two months for this. Finally the day I get to go to this concert.

I took one final look in the mirror, I was wearing light blue high waisted shorts with a floral crop top, some white low top converses and flower headband. My short hair was slightly waved since I just put some mousse into it after my shower. I had light makeup on. Just some foundation with eyeliner and mascara.

"Salene come on! You want to be there early, right?" Yelled my mom.
"Yeah mom, I'm coming." I yelled back so she can hear me.
I grabbed my iPhone and my purse, threw in a chapstick and I was all set for tonight.

*At the show, right before they came on*
My bestfriend Chen came to the show with me. She was a small petite asian girl. She had on dark blue shorts with a white tank top and a black and grey flannel over it and black vans. Chens really pretty with her dark brown straight hair that ran to the middle of her back.

"Holy shit Chen! They'll be out any second!"
"Salene chill! I just can't wait to see my baby Zayn" she yelled at me.

The whole audience in the arena started yelling, including me and Chen.

One by one they all walked out.
I couldn't believe it, they were actually all write in front of my eyes. They all look so perfect!

"How's everyone doing?" Yelled Niall
The audience screamed in return.
"We're so happy to be here and we wanted to thank all of you for coming tonight." Liam said.

They started off with Midnight Memories and oh god they sounded perfect.

*During Truly,Madly,Deeply.*
"We got a surprise for all of you!" Harry said very excited.
"So for our next song we're going to invite 5 girls to come up on stage with us.
So me and Chen looked at each other and we could just tell what each other wanted ; to be able to go on stage with them.
Lucky us I guess cause next thing you know, two security guards picked me and Chen up and softly put us on stage. I was so shocked to actually be on stage, I mean this only happens in the fanfictions I usually read. *(;* Louis quickly made his way over to me and took my hand. Chen was with Zayn, practically crying and hugging him. Harry had a really pretty petite blonde girl. Liam had a ginger and Niall had a brunette. "Well girls what are your names?" Liam said into the mic while looking at us. The ginger with him said "Molly" softly into the mic. Nialls brunette said excitedly into it "Savana!" and giggled. Harrys girl whispered "Julianne" while staring straight at Harry. Next was Chen "Hi I'm Chen, nice to meet you all." Typical Chen. Next was me! I was so nervous. "Hey I'm Salene" I said with confidence into the mic.

Louis whispered into my ear, "Gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl."
I blushed furiously but kept smiling at everything I was so happy.

*After the song was finished*
The boys walked us backstage while drinking water.
"You guys can stay here until we get back." Zayn smiled at us while he walked back onto stage, the boys following.

*After concert*
The boys just came backstage and talked to us for a while. They were really chill and funny to talk too! But sadly we all had to go soon.

Louis came up to me and said "You know I'm really happy I met you and I would like to talk to you some more, can I have your number?"
I was so happy so obviously I gave it to him.

"Well I'll talk to you soon love" He said and kissed my cheek.
As I walked off to leave with Chen I felt extremely satisfied with how things went.


SUREEEE I didn't put us together immediately but things take time to work out right??
But yeah thats my first one shot. And I loved it. I accept compliments and constructed criticism so you can leave some comments if you happen to read this.
It wasn't the best but what can I say ! I tried .
Well thats all so bye bye

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