Just for Starters

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Marlin Calder grabbed his bag off of the kitchen table and bolted out the door. He couldn't be late! Just once in his life, he couldn't be late for this. Marlin quickly strapped on his helmet and jumped on his bike. Then, Marlin pedaled as fast as his short legs would let him, churning the dirt on the street as he shot off for the Pokemon Lab.

Come on! Quarramar Town can't be this big! thought Marlin. Finally, after ten long minutes, Marlin managed to get to the professor's lab just in time. His friends Blaise Brantley and Vivian McSylvan were just arriving as he was.

"Dude, this is a first," joked Blaise, "You know, actually being on time and all."

"Ninety-five point three percent of experiences result in you being at least ten minutes late," stated Vivian.

"Oh wow," said Marlin

"That wasn't a compliment..." said Vivian shaking her head in amusement, Blaise chuckling in the background.

"Aw whatever, let's get our Pokemon and high-tail it out of this town," said Marlin, walking into the lab.

Marlin, Vivian, and Blaise all made their way down the hallway and into the Professor's own lab. As they entered, a woman dressed in a white lab coat and straight black hair stood in the middle of the room. A small Deerling in its spring form trailed right behind her. She turned around to face the three children.

"Ah, I've been expecting you three!" she exclaimed. "My name is Professor Maple. I am a Pokemon professor who, of course, studies Pokemon. However, I specialize in the field of Sociomonstrology. It is the study of the interactions between humans and Pokemon. And I would like your assistance!"

"What can we help out with?" asked Blaise.

"Here let me show you." Professor Maple proceeded to walk into a nearby room. "This," she said, gesturing to the lab "is where our studies take place." Maple then picks up a strange stone. "And this is what we're studying, Shiftstones."

"Fascinating! But what is it for?" asks Vivian.

"Watch this!" Professor Maple places the clear, white stone in a strange machine. It whirrs quietly while it was being booted up. "Deerling, hop into the Converter, will you?" Deerling walked right into the glass capsule as it closes up around her. Maple pushed some buttons on a control panel and Marlin, Vivian, and Blaise watched as the machine starts its process. A strange beam of energy emanated from Deerling and shot up through a tube and into the clear stone. Or at least, it was clear. Now the stone shone a brilliant emerald green. "Here's where it gets good," says the professor, winking and holding the emerald stone in her hand. The stone shined even brighter (if that was even physically possible considering how shiny it already was). Blinding light filled the entire room. In the center of the lab were...Two Deerling?

"Wha- where did the other Deerling come from??" stuttered Marlin, looking confused.

"No, silly, it's me!" said the Professor?

"How?!" says Vivian, completely shocked. Then, the same green light flashed and the Deerling was back into the professor.

"Aaaand, that's the power of the Shiftstone," announced Maple, smiling, clearly a little too proud with herself.

"I...am sooooo confused," said Blaise.

"See, the Shiftstone allows me to take the DNA of any Pokemon and transform into it. Now, I actually can't hold a Pokemon form for very long. Certain people seem more capable of holding the Pokemon form than others. But you three might possess the ability to transform indefinitely. Which is pretty special," explained Maple.

Vivian looked at the professor. "First off, how is this even possible?! And also, what makes you think that we are 'pretty special'?"

"Well first, SCIENCE!" she exclaimed "and second, have you guys ever noticed that Pokemon seem to be less shy around you three?"

"Now that you mention it, yeah," said Blaise. Blaise lived on a cattle ranch and was around Pokemon all the time. "The Tauros that live on my farm were always hostile towards my parents, but not to me."

Vivian piped up, "Yeah same. I often like to study the bug type pokemon that live in a forest near me. I was surprised that most of them actually walked right up to me."

Marlin had never really been around Pokemon before so he wasn't sure what to think of the situation. "The only other Pokemon I've met was this one Furfrou that my cousin owns. A-actually, I'm kind of scared of Pokemon. Well not like totally frightened, bu-but like startled by them. O-or something..." said Marlin, trailing off. He seemed scared just thinking about it. Blaise put a hand on his shoulder.

"Well, anyway, you three are able to connect with Pokemon because you have a strong Pokebond. It's basically the measure of how well or how easily someone can build a relationship with Pokemon. You have the highest Pokebond numbers that I have ever seen! So that's actually why I called you here," said the Professor.

"Wait, we're gonna be your...test subjects?!" said Blaise, frantically.

"No, no, not like that!" laughed Maple. "I just need you to help me run a few tests. None of them will hurt you. Er...well...I don't think they will."

"Professor Maple, what was that last part you just said? Is this going to be bad for us?" Vivian raised her voice.

"Ha hah! I was, uh, kidding! Okay now, children, let's go to the testing chamber, come on now!" she said, hurriedly, ushering the kids into a white room. "Okaaaaay! Here are the stones, hold them in your hands, do the thing, let me test you, don't try to stress, and DON'T try to escape! Ha haaa! Okay!" The Professor seemed a little off but Blaise, completely oblivious, put a fiery red stone in his hand.

"Blaise!" whispered Vivian. "Blaise! This is a bad idea! I suddenly don't trust this lunatic of a professor." Too late. Behind her, Marlin was already committing to the Professor's instructions, cupping his blue stone in his palms.

"It's okay Viv! Here!" Blaise tossed a green stone to Vivian. Instinctively, she caught it and squeezed it tight. And accidentally activated the stone.

All three of the children filled the room white with the blinding light of the Shifstones, and in their place stood a Chikorita, a Litten, and an Oshawott.

"I-I finally did it...this is finally happening..." mumbled the Professor.

"Blaise! Why would you toss me that stupid stone?!" snapped Vivian, now a Chikorita. While Blaise and Vivian were busy with their bickering, Marlin took action.

He shot across the room, scallchop in hand, and slashed the professor with its watery blade.

"Darn it! I forgot to put the restraints on them before giving them the stones! Blasted kids!" The professor continued to curse herself while holding her arm in pain. Oshawott, or Marlin slashed open a hole in the wall of the lab, just large enough for three Pokemon to fit through, but not a professor. They ran for the exit, the professor following close behind. "Get back here you little stone stealers! Or you'll regret it- AH!" Oshawott gave Maple a large gash on the nose then quickly followed after his friends.

They didn't look back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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