part 1

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This is going to be a really juicy 2 parts its going to be long.  Please comment and more love Jasmine

Josh (doc)

I am so happy you came over the baby is not doing so well

How has he been acting

Crying and wanting his daddy when he's about to go to bed

And saying momma for his first word instead of dad da

Oh wow where's Logan

On his way home from the grocery store

Oh have you conforted him about cheating it's been 6 months Kaylee

I know I just Don't know

Well you could cheat on him

With who? And why?

With me and because I want too that's why I love seeing you and your handsome fellow me and you can have sex right now right here your baby's asleep

No thanks I am good I just am going to live with my dad for  awhile

You sure I can do it all night if you want pay back do it with me

No thanks

What are you afraid of babe

Nothing just please stop

Come on
*takes of his t-shirt and is about to take off his pants when LOGAN walks in

What you don't want it

What the hell is going on

He's trying to make me have sex with him and I don't want too

Why are you trying to have sex with my wife

Because your cheating on her so I thought it would make her feel better

It doesn't even if he is cheating on me I am grabbing my baby and leaving

Oh no the hell your not we are finishing this

We didn't start

Good glad and how did you find out I was cheating

Really Logan you don't come home most nights I have seen you and Susan's text and those underwear I know were hers because I got them for as a brides maid

Wow!! Ok fine go but I want to see my son

I was driving to my dads music on not crying

*big semi


Where am i? Where am I going? Where is my son? Who are you?

You are in the ambulance your going to the er your son is right here and I am well you don't need to know that

I am hurt

Yes just a broken arm but your son is


Freds life  SEQUEL TO FILL ME INWhere stories live. Discover now