Chapter 6

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        I stayed outside the two skeleton's house and waied for them to come out. I had this idea of messing around with Sans since he can hear me after all so i've decided...

How about I make him look crazy around everyone?

That actually does sound fun!!

It seemed like a good plan so I decided to do it anyway. I think it has been 30 minutes already and those two hasn't come out yet, I was gettig really really bored now. I sigh as I crossed my arms and tried to be more patient. Soon the two came out chatting Sans stopped from his tracks as he felt my presence ones again. "You really thought i'll leave?" I said as I chuckled. Papyrus turned around and saw his brother standing still with both his eye sockets black. "BROTHER ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Papyrus asked who was obviously worried about him as he walked back and checked him up. Sans looked up to his brother as his eye sockets return to normal "oh it was nothing bro. Just remembered some stuff.. come on we should get going.." he said as he started to walk off, Papyrus nods happily and walked besides him and started to talk about some random things. Sans glanced behimd for a second before returning his attention to Papyrus

'This kid is obviously gonna ruin my day!' Sans thought, he was annoyed.

Chara grins as she started to follow them. Sokn enough they were at Undyne's place. Alphys was already there, "What took you two bone heads too long?!" Undyne asked as she opened the door for them and allowed them in. "WELL LIKE USUAL SANS WAS BEING ALL LAZY THAT'S WHY WE WERE LATE!" Papyrus explained. Sans chuckles "well sorry 'bout that.." Sans said as he glanced at me who was just right behind him. "Alright let me get the board games!!" Undyne said running off to a cabinet searching for the games. Alphy's seems to notice Sans glancing at something.

"I-Is there s-something wrong?" Alphy's asked. Papyrus looked as Sans aswell who wasn't responding at all.

"SANS? SANS ARE YOU REALLY ALRIGHT?" Papyrus asked in a concerned voice. Undyne looked up at him aswell.

"Earth to Sans! Earth to Sans! Are you even alright?!" Undyne said.

Sans snapped ot of his thoughts and looked at them nervously "i-i'm fine guys.." he said "Y-You're obviously n-not fine Sans.." Alphys said. "Yeah, she's right. Somehig is wrong with you!" Undyne stood up and crossed her arms. "Hey, aren't those your board games? We should play now!" Sans said as he tries to change the subjet. Undyne sighs then says "Fine! We'll all play now but!! You will have to explain to us what's going on with you alright?!" Sans chuckles "alright alright I will let's just get to the games..."

"Oh look at them all worried about you!~..... Disgusting!" She frowns as Sans tries to ignore her

'We'll I haven't even done anything yet and he was already annoyed... Looks like this really will be fun for me! Well i'm glad I stayed..." Chara smirks as he watches them.

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