5 1 4

(that was on purpose.)
This is the note at the beginning of my Google doc that I wrote this on.
(My friends had this it's confusing when not color coded. Enjoy the CRINGY-NESS anyways.)



This can be confusing at times so just leave me a note and then I will try to make it better.

Type to me here.

What font would Ink speak in?      

⬛️ StupidTale is better! ⬛️

Writer's block, am I right? (It sucks.)        

This is Aubrey I think ink should speak in cursive

Thanks. By the way, I was wondering if I should keep using different fonts. It gets annoying having to change every font they speak in

Watch out ErrorInk! If you do not like this ship then leave this doc because Paper Jam Rules!   

What’s paperJam?

Paper jam is Ink and Errors son and is the best.

This is Kendal, who is confused because SOMEONE didn’t send this to her. So what the heck are you even doing, and what am I supposed to do? Also, who was it who asked who is Paperjam? I’d like to have a talk with them.

Stupid, right. Whatever, I'll post the actually chapter. Stay Nerdy!

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