Part 1

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  (PV Quinton)
   "Knock knock knock! goes the door, why I just hate that door. I hate all the people here. No-one knows my true story, no-one knows what I've been through. All they care about is what I've done. They all see me as a monster that has no emotions, no care in the world for people. They did this to me it's all there fault! I'm stuck in this prison for life when I am innocent, and the others with all that money get to walk, live their filthy lives free!" I know I was yelling at nothing but I'm so lonely in here. They got me locked up in a tiny room with one window just high enough for me to not be able to reach, that was only two bars wide. That's all the light I get coming through. I have no bed just some blankets and a pillow on the cold concrete floor. A bucket in one corner and another filled with water in the other. I get breakfast and dinner no lunch. My breakfast consist of a bowl of oatmeal and I small glass of warm milk with an orange, my dinner is two hotdogs with bread and a small glass of juice. Sometimes if I'm lucky I will get a cookie before bed, but that only happens once over few months.
While I was thinking of what my life would be if I was out of this hell hole the door had creeked open, why it wasn't my dinner already this early...was it? No it was a guard leading me out of my small little room. They brought me to a room with two metal cold chairs and a metal table that was too long for just two chairs. A man with slicked back brown hair in a nice gray suit, looking at me with big green eyes that where filled with what had seemed like...excitment? Yes excitment maybe? I was sat in the cold metal chair waiting to know what I was doing here. What he was doing here.


(PV Doctor Zeke)
   I looked at this sad, lonely boy sitting in front of me. People told me his story of what they heard and believed. Some people say he is innocent and some say guilty. The judge thinks innocent but he can do nothing about it. All the evidence points to Quinton. Maybe he did do everything people say he did, but what if he had no control. There is always two side to a story and I want to know both sides. " Hi my name is Doctor Zeke Johnson. I am a therapist as well as a writer. I'm here to hear your side of the story. I might be able to help you if you let me. Everything you tell me I will write down, and it will stay between us and the judge. Does that sound alright with you." Quinton looked up at me with a little hope in his eye, but only a little and I was gone as quick as it came. I felt sorry for him he had no trust, no love...he had given up. He agreed but I don't think he will tell me everything. Everyone has secrets they keep, even when those secrets could help them if they had just let them out. Because of this I had to start off with easy questions. I took out on apple and handed it to him. He looked at me as if I had poisoned it. " No worries it's safe to eat. I'm trying to build trust here. I'm not gonna lie to you." He sat there quiet not had said a word to me not one. He devoured it in only a minute or so it was gone.


(PV Quinton)
   He had looked at me with curiosity and amusement. Finally I had the courage to say something "yes". Really "yes" that all you could say to the man. He smiled slightly and said we will start tomorrow same time. Then as he left the guards came in quickly, picking me up and bring me back to me small, cold, lonely room. I sat there all night thinking of where to start with my story and what to tell him and what to not. Will he really listen to me or just ignore me and listen to the parts he wants. Is he really here to HELP me?

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