It was first period and I had Math. I walk in and see two girls from Mackenzie's popular group, Maddie and Chloe. I had to sit next to Chloe because all the other seats were taken. Chloe was a very pretty girl and had a good taste in fashion. I sit next to her and she says hi to me. I asked her if she was talking to me, and she said yes! How is that even possible for someone who's friends with Mackenzie to say hi too me. Maybe she was one f the nice ones. She starts talking to me asking where I'm from and how old I am. I don't know if she's spying for Mackenzie but I want to be her friend. She seems really nice even if she wasn't friends with Mackenzie. We start talking throughout math and I'm not surprised we got caught. I gave her my phone number and put my contact in her phone. Spy emoji I'm her phone is a blue heart. Maybe she really does like me. I don't have am iPhone like her I only have a stupid flip phone. I hate it so much it's like not even funny. Anyway Math ended and I was heading on to my next class. I said bye to Chloe and Chloe told me to text her during class.
I walk into the room and I'm frozen... I have science with, MACKENZIE! I was freaking out and she sees me and squints her eyes at me and I do it back. I think Chloe's making my confidence grow a little. I walk to go sit as far from Mackenzie as I can but she pulls my ponytail. Then, we had an argument:
Mackenzie: Well well well if it isn't oscars the grouch's wifey.
Me: well well well if it isn't Cinderella's evil and ugly step sister.
Mackenzie: oh no u didn't.
Me: I speak only the truth.
Mackenzie: well at least I have friends
Me: well I do too
Mackenzie: ok then what's her name
Me: Chlo... Chelsea, she went to my other school. Lucky her she dosen't have to suffer looking at your ugly personality.
Mackenzie: well I don't have time for you so leave.
Me: I've wanted to do that from the start.
Mackenzie made me mad. Ugh popular girls these days. Good thing I'm not one or else I would probably be like Mackenzie or Chloe. Everyone would want to be like Chloe, she's amazing! I text Chloe hey during science. She immediately replies hey. I asked her which class she has next and she has Gym. U was happy use was in gym. I didn't want to talk about that:
Me: why are u friends with Mackenzie?
Chloe❤️: because she's so nice to me.
Me: lucky, she's mean to me! We had a whole argument which I think I won.
Chloe❤️: yeah sorry about Mackenzie. Turns out, her boyfriend was cheating on her with the second most popular girl I'm school, Paige Hyland.
I froze and didn't reply. Paige Hyland went to my old school. She was meaner than Mackenzie. If her and Mackenzie team up, it's the end of the road for me.

FanfictionThis book is about a girl named Kendall who is not treated like any of the other girls. She gets bullied and abused by her parents. She ends up gaining her confidence in the end. Find out why and what happens