Today was the day you were going to the prom with the love of your life grayson dolan you were so excited to go with him to prom grayson texted you he is on his way you said to him.ok im wating for you he said ok so grayson arrived at your house you were so excited you ran to him he was looking hansdome as hell you kissed him on the cheack he kissed you back on your cheack he said to you look so preatty tonight and you said to him you look hansdome as hell he said to you thanks so he said are you ready to go you said yes so you went in his car and you were off to prom you couldent keep your eyes of him you just wanted to make out with him so you 2 arrvied at the prom and he opended the door for you and then he took your hand and took you out of the car then he said i cant keep my eyes of you and you said thanks sonlets go in you were hoping taht you would be peom queen and you hoped that grayson would be prom king so you went and got a snack for you and grayson then you gave the snack to graysoand youse both started eating then he said do you want to dance and you said yes so youse both dance you looked in his beautiful eyes and then he looked into your eyes you started to kiss his lips and he kissed your lips back inside you were freaking out because you love him so much he said to you i love you so much and then you said to him i love you to so youse kept dancing and it was time for the prom queen and prom king so youse voted who you wanted to vote then the anncment was being read and you and grayson were prom queen and prom king you had no words to say so then they said its time for grayson and sirena to dance so you started dancing then you kissed grayson on his lips then he kissed you back then the prom finshied you said your tired to grayson and his like ill take you to my place then you said ok so he took you to his place then youse 2 went inside grayson was kissing your neck so then you kissed his lips you started making out with him you kepts kissing his lips then you kissed his body and his like oh yeah babby girl then you started making out then when you finished youse 2 went to sleep then it was morning you woke up then you woke up grayson and he like babe what time is it then you said its morning oh crap were gonna be kate for school lets get ready so you and him got ready for school thwn you kissed grayson on his lips again then you hugged him then he took you to school and he said ill see you at lunch babe then you hugged him then you said bye babe.