how he reacts to your child dying/sick

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Im sorry, I had to do this one, it came to me and I just have to. So make sure you have your tissues and chocolate next to you, because you're going to need it... again, sorry..

Cameron: He stood there emotionless, staring down at your 3 year old little girl. someone wasnt paying attention to backing out of their driveway, and they hit your 3 year old daughter Amilia. He stood there, looking at her broken bones, her eyes closed, and her little pink dress drenched in blood. "Cameron.." You croaked out. He held up his hand to say 'be quiet.' It broke your heart, but it broke Camerons even more. You both hugged eachother, and they made you leave, and leaving the teenage parents of a beautiful little girl to plan a funeral service you never thought you would have to plan.

Nash: "N-Nash.." You said, walking into his room, his Mom and Hayes trailing behind you, and Skylynn crying, and Will sitting next to NAsh, both of them clueless to whats happening. "Yeah?' He said, wrapping you ina  hug. "I-We-The...the babys gone.." You cried, His mom cryign as well, Hayes and Will were crying, and Will was holding onto Skylynn. "Youre kidding right?" He pulled away, tears forming. You shook your head 'No.' He let you go, and punched the wall, making everyone flinch. "I-Im sorry.." You cried, faling to the ground. Everyone left, leaving you and Nash alone. He rubbed your stomach, saying he was sorry and he would always be "Daddys little angel, boy or girl."

Taylor:  You and Taylor were laying in his bed, with your 9 month old baby boy, Aiden, inbetween you. You woke up to hear him crying, and coughing. You looked at him, and nothing was wrong, but you noticed he had big reddish-purple blotches that were growing uncontrolable. "TAYLOR!" You screamed, shaking him awake. He rolled over, and looked at you and Aiden, his mouth formed a O shape, and he pulled on some clothes, and you both ran to the RangeRover, and sped off to the hospital. You checked in, and the doctor said he just had a really bad case of chicken pox, and they would keep him for about a week to check on him. Taylor was crying and praying that he would be ok, and you loved seeing how good of a fathr Taylor is.

Carter: You were sitting on the couch, waiting for Kayla, your 2 year old daughter, and Carter to return back from the grocery store, when your phone rang. "Hello?" You asked. "Yes, is this (Y/N) Reynolds?" some one asked. "Yes." You replied, palms sweaty. "We need you to come to the hospital, Carter and Kayla have been in a accident." You hung up and sped off. *** when you arrived to the hospital, you saw Carter with a busted lip and scratches all over him, his shirt bloody and ripped. "Oh my god.." You said, huggin gCaarter. "Wheres Kayla?" You croaked. "Mr.&Mrs Reynolds?" a doctor asked. You followed him, and he told you the news. "Carter was perfectly fine at driving, he was paying attention, but the driver that hit them, was drunk, and hit Kaylas side the worst, and she has passed." HE said. You looked at Carter, and he was in tears. "Y/N I am so sorry, its all my fault." HE kept repeating. "I-Its not your fault..its going to be ok.." You re-assured him. You spent the night in the hospital, while they tried to get her to come back,but they gave up the next morning around 3am.


 (Jacks wont be so bad, I'll give you a little time to clean yourself up, wipe your face, eat something, take a drink, you wont be crying over this one.:)) 

You woke up to hear Erin crying, and Jack trying to comfort him, he was no more than a week old, and it was hard being a teen mother and father. You walked over, and noticed how red he was, Erin, not JAck, and you walked into the bathroom, and grabbed a thermometer, and checked his temperature. 101.2*. "Jack, we need to bring him to the hospital." You got all his stuff ready, and brought him in. ***"Yep, hes got a bad cold, lots of fluids, well keep him over night to make sure everythings ok, but well give him medication and water, everything should be ok." He said. We nodded and watched over our little buddy. His temp was down to 99.7 the next morning, and you got to take him home later that day.

Ok, I dont think I am going to be doing one for Hayes, shawn and Aaron, becasue they are just a bit too young for them babies, along with the other guys, lol, but I will have a special chapter for them three next, and then yeah, I'll just end this chapter with Sam, JackJ,  and Matt, OKAY? <OKAY.>

JackJ: You wer currently trying to give birth to yours and Jacks new baby, a baby girl, who you were planning on naming Riley. You gave one last push, and out came your baby. You heard no crying, and they rushed the baby away, and while they were cleaning you up, jack followed them, and soon came back crying. "W-what happend?" You asked. "Sh-she wasnt breathing, a-and they had to-to shock her, and she didnt make it.." He cried into your neck. You were shocked, and started crying. "I am sorry, but, your baby didnt make it, nothing was wroung with you, just she had the ambilial cord wrapped around her neck and she wasnt in the right position to come out. I apologize, we did everything we could." The doctor said, and left you and Jack to grieve.

Sam: You were lying in bed, next to your sick son, Hayden. Today was his 1st birthday, and you had to cancel because he was sick. But, Sam invited his two best friends, Jacks, obvoisulsy. And they helped out as much as they could. Sam would lay with him, and rub his back and tummy, give him his medicin, and make him feel all better. Hayden would laugh, but then cough, and you'd then slap Sam, and then smile. Pretty soon, he was better, and Sam was so happy, and the next week, he was good enough, so you had the party. Later that night, after his party, you found that Hayden was sick, once again, and Sam was the first one to start taking care of your beautiful baby Boy.

Matt: (Your poor little hearts are gonna break, FYI) You and MAtt were waiting in the waiting room, with one of the twins, while the other was undergoing surgery in the room. Your twin boys, Jackson and Justin, were 4 years old. And Justin, was in surgery, they were trying to get a lego out of him, that he had swallowed. It was funny to think about, but, they said it was ripping up the insides of him. Not good. Matt was on the edge of his seat, staring at the door, praying that Justin would be ok. Soon, a doctor came out with X-rays. He sat down next to me, and Matt came and stood up next to the docotr, who was sitting on the seat. "Well, as you can see, we tried to fix up the holes, but, there were so many, and so big, that if we tried to patch them up, it would increase his risks or breathing problems. The lego went into his lungs, and with that, his lung, was destroyed, causing sudden death.." he said. Matt gasped, and tears formed in his eyes. "I am sorry Mr.and Mrs. espinosa.. He said, patting Matt on the shoulder, and giving you a 'Im sorry" look. I looked at Matt, and he was hugging Jackson as tight as he could, saying how much he loved him and his brother. He set him down on the chair, and hugged you next, and whispred into your ear. "i love you, im sorry baby..."He said. You hugged back, and you couldnt believe your little boy, died because of a lego. 

Ok, yeah, so Matts didnt make much sense, but it really happened to someone I knews son. He was 5 years old, and he was just old enough to have his own legos, so, what any five year old would do, he put it in his mouth, well, he ended up swallowing it, and his insides got cut up, and he started cuoghing up blood, he eventually died becasue the holes the lego left were unbelieveably huge, and he died becasue of that. But, keep reading for the next chapter, love you all MUAH BB

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