Chapter Two (Updated)

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A/N As I said before, I will be rewriting all the chapters before moving on. The plot will be changed quite a bit, because I came up with what I think is a good plot. Another thing: There will be a lot of time skips. Just trying to give you guys some context.

Percy entered Artemis' tent. Animal skins were all over the place. "Sit." The goddess motioned to the ground. Percy looked at Artemis and thought of his childhood friend, Christine. No, Artemis couldn't be the girl who came to his house almost everyday to play. She hated the male population. Percy sat down, feeling slightly down as he remembered the good times he had with the girl. "Perseus. I need you to promise me not to do anything stupid." Artemis said stoically. Percy nodded. "But Annabeth..... she isn't dead, is she?" Artemis shook her head. "That is why you must promise me not to do anything stupid to save the girl." She had a sad look in her eyes when she said that, but Percy being Percy, didn't see it. "Fine."

Time skip: approximately four years.

Percy was in a really good mood. After all the drama and action, he finally could get some peace with his girlfriend, Annabeth. Tonight, he would ask her out on a date. No, he won't propose yet. He just turned eighteen, for Zeus' sake. He fiddled with Riptide in his pocket as he walked towards the Athena cabin. He could hear someone shouting. That was strange. The Athena cabin was usually very quiet.

He stood outside of the cabin and listened to what they were talking about. "-have you considered Percy's feelings?" A male voice yelled. Malcolm, Percy thought as he recognized Annabeth's half brother. "I know! I'm trying to come up with a plan." A familiar feminine voice answered. "Hey Wise Girl. What're you talking about?" He pushed open the door to find Malcolm glaring at his sister. Annabeth, however, looked more guilty than angry. "What's happening?" Percy asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Annabeth looked at him shamefully. "Percy, I-I haven't been loyal to you....." Percy's grin was wiped off his face. "What?" Malcolm walked over to Percy and whispered in his ear. "She cheated on you. I caught kissing a mortal at her architecture school."

Percy couldn't quite comprehend what was happening. His brain was fuzzy, and he thought the world flipped upside down. Malcolm waved his hand in front of Percy's face, snapping him out of is shock. "Very funny, Malcolm. You got me there." Percy gave a hearty chuckle, hoping this was just a joke. Malcolm just shook his head seriously. "I saw her kiss that mortal. I swear it on the Styx." Thunder rumbled overhead, causing the last part of Percy's good mood to slip away. Annabeth just looked at him sadly. "Percy, I-" Percy just turned around and left. Malcolm glared at his half-sister before exiting the cabin. Tears fell from the grey-eyed blonde's eyes. "I'm sorry."

Percy walked out of the Athena cabin and stormed into his. Then he buried his head into his pillow and silently wept. The girl he literally went through hell with abandoned him. Just when he thought he could have a normal life for a change. Suddenly, the door closed and the lock snapped itself shut. Percy sat up and uncapped Riptide, the bronze sword gleaming in the darkness. A swirling portal appeared in the middle of the cabin, and a man stepped out of it.

He had black hair and tan skin. He wore sunglasses despite the fact that the room was dark. Lights glowed from behind the glasses, which confused Percy. "Who are you?" The man chuckled and snapped his fingers. A chair appeared behind him, and he sat down. "Chaos, creator of the universe, at your service." Then he frowned. "Scratch that. I'm here to make an offer." Percy raised an eyebrow. "What offer?" Chaos looked at him. "I'm fading, Percy. I'm slowly fading due to the fact that no one worships me." Percy was still confused. "So you want me to make offerings to you? I can do that." Chaos chuckled and shook his head. "No, I want you to be my successor."

"Wait what?" Chaos laughed again. "See, I don't really mind fading. But the universe would be unbalanced. I may be called Chaos, but I keep the peace." Percy couldn't help but pity the immortal before him. "Oh, don't worry. It'll be a good few millennia before I really fade. But I will need to pass my power onto someone else. That someone is you." Percy pointed at himself. "Why me?" Chaos looked at him. "You played a very important part in the past two wars, and there is another one coming. I cannot directly interfere, but you can." Perccy shook his head. "You're just using me as a pawn." Chaos looked offended. "No. I chose you for a reason. You have great potential, as well as a kind heart. You fight for those who can't, and also for your family and friends. I respect you for that. That is why I chose you. Now tell me; Do you accept my offer?" Percy thought for a minute before nodding. "Yes."

Time skip: Approximately 10 years

Artemis knelt down and drew her bow. The pack of hellhounds they were following had stopped to take a rest. The hunters were stationed around the pack, ready to attack at moments notice. She nodded to Thalia, who nodded to the hunter next to her, who carried on the signal to the entire hunt. Thalia waited for a few minutes before raising a thumb. A small smile appeared on the face of the lieutenant of the hunt as she fired the arrow that pierced a hellhound. The hellhounds looked around in confusion. The hunters all fired and their arrows killed the remaining hellhounds. Artemis stood up and clapped her hands. "Well done girls. We shall rest here for the night." The hunters nodded before heading off to pitch up their tents.

Then the goddess looked at her lieutenant. Her face was void of emotion, which was common for her since they heard about the savior of Olympus disappearing almost ten years ago. Artemis was also saddened at the news. She had, after all, been friends with said boy. After hearing the reason, or the suspected reason he disappeared, Thalia had almost killed the daughter of Athena. Little did they know she was only part of the reason.

Line Break (Just discovered what is it is.)

A man in black robes smiled under his hood. He raised his sword to block an attack from a Draecaena before blasting it with a stream of fire. Then he whipped around to decapitate an Empousa who was trying to stab him from behind. He knelt down next to the dissolving she-demon and whispered. "Tell your master that he has to do better than that." The man stood up straight and stretched. "Good exercise." He mumbled before disappearing in a flash of light.

He appeared in a gigantic room filled with furniture. In the middle of the room, a man sat on the couch while eating a slice of pizza. "Damn. Who knew mortals could make delicious food like this?" He said while licking his fingers. The man then turned around to look at the robed man. "How did it go, Perce?" Percy shrugged. "Same as always." He sat down on the couch next to the man and reached for a pizza. The man smacked his hand away. "Aw come one, Chaos." Chaos just laughed before grabbing the whole box and disappearing in thin air. Percy sighed and reclined on the sofa.

Only for Chaos to flash back in as a girl. "Hey Chaos." Percy said without looking up. "Percy, we have a problem." She said before producing a pizza out of no where and began to eat it. "Chaos, you'll become a fat, old lady if you keep eating that much pizza." Percy said teasingly. Chaos didn't get the joke and glared at him. "First of all, it is impossible for me to get fat. Even if I do get fat, I'll be beautiful fat, old lady." Percy chuckled before raising an eyebrow. "What problem?" Chaos scratched her head before snapping her fingers. "Ah. Yeah, an army of monsters are marching onto camp." Percy sighed and stood up. "Fine. It's a good chance to put my powers to the test anyways." He was about to flash away when Chaos stopped him. "What?" Percy asked. "Do not blow anything up." She said seriously before letting him go. Percy just smiled and flashed away.

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