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Breathless and scared, the boy circled the school in a fright. He was running; sleep walking that turned into running. He turned a corner and continued; he seem to miss the walls and doors, but barely.

"You are an ungrateful boy!" His father shouted just the day before. "I don't see it fitting to call you my son, until you see things by tradition and be glad. No, honored to be a Death Eater!"

A snake like, hissing voice came to mind. "Soon, my dear, you'll be the future of all Death Eaters!"

Then he heard his aunt laugh meniscusingly, making him cry silently even more. "Draco Malfoy! Proficied leader of Death Eaters! My own nephew!"

Draco ran into a wall and landed backwards on his back hard, knocking the wind out of himself. After regaining his breath he sat up to regain composure, rubbing his eyes. It was his final year; well eighth year considering the Second Great War was just the year before

Yet not the beginning of his nightmares.

Draco lifted himself off the ground slowly, still sore he rubbed his head and neck again. Looking around to see if anyone saw him in his frantic state, his night terror. 'No one. That's good. Now to go back to bed...' He hated the idea of that. Draco never slept. Not since before the recent great war. No, the time he was forced to be a Death Eater. 5th year. He hated his father for forcing him to become something he wasn't. A cold-blooded monster.

Draco sluggishly walked back through the castle and up to the eighth year tower. Back to bad. Back to hell. Back to sleep.


Hermione was quiet, watching Draco walk back the way he came. She waited a good while before following him back to the Eighth year tower. She glanced at the Great Hall and looked in thinking.

She could hear the years of memories flood into her, hearing the laughter. Remembering the good, bad, happy, and sad memories. Flowing through her, like a slow motion river of emotions.After an hour of tears, she smiled to the grand old room and turned to return to the the tower. Only to bump into Harry.

Hermione gasped smacking him in the shoulder like old times. "Good grief Harry Potter! I almost blasted you!" She scolded putting her wand away in her back pocket.

He chuckeld, pulling her into a hug. "Oh 'Mione. Come here." He rubbed her back, helping her to relax and clam down. "Now, let's go back to the tower and have some coffee before breakfast. Black right?"

She smiled and nodded, walking side by side to him. "The blacker the stronger."


After about two hours and six pots of coffee later they dressed for the day and for an important sorting. Heads of Houses. Now this year and this year only would be different. Instead of four sets of Heads, there will be five sets of Heads of Houses.

Soon the 8th years began to wake and dress for the day. Some even smiling at the opportunities in store for the year. After dressing, Hermione joined Ron and Harry, setting out for the Great Hall. Searching for seats at the 8th year table, you could see the Professor's table parrall to thier table, wall to wall just feet away in the same alignment. Now the Houses tables, were lined up from windows to doors set apart but closer than before. To show diversity in unity.

After seating, the 8th years watched happily and silently as the second through seventh years enter the Great Hall, seating at their house tables eagerly. Their smiles grew as the first years came in with awestrucked amazement and wonder.

Soon the Professors seated at the Professors table, Headmistress McGonagall stepped down from the table to the stand. "Students of Hogwarts, first years to eighth years. Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We welcome you to a new year here at Hogwarts. First years once sorted into your houses, we hope you enjoy your years to come at Hogwarts." She glanced at the over to the 8th years, addressing them personally.

"Eighth years. You have chosen to continue your education. We welcome you to your own classes, your own study hours, and counseling. We thank you for your protecting this school and helping saving our lives. All of you are here as mentors to the houses of your choice."

She glanced at the whole school. "Now ease a moment of silence as we honor those who have fallen in both the First and Second Great Wars."

Everyone bowed their heads and grew silent. Hermione heard a fork drop by the doors of the Great Hall. Headmistress McGonagall cleared her throat and spoke directly to the first years. Giving them their cerfews and two new rules to the rest of the school.

"First years and student of higher years. Hear me as I give you your basic guidelines and rules. 1) First years must attend class on time no more than five minutes after the bell. This way only until Second Semester. 2) First years are not allowed to talk to anyone about the Second Great War out if context, class or counseling. Any mention of it rudely or out of context, will result in detention with the Headmistress, I, Professor McGonagall. 3) Cerfiews are as followed. First years through Third years: cerfews at 8:00pm. You must be in your Common Rooms and no later. Fourth through Fifth years: cerfews at 10:00pm. Sixth years through Seventh years: cerfews at 11:00pm. Eighth years, you are to be in your tower no later than Midnight. Your classes at 9:00am. Alright, we shall sort the First years then choose Heads of Houses."

Hermione sighed and drank her coffee smiling as a child was sorted into Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, she clapped when a child was sorted into Gryphindor. But when a student was sorted into Slytherin, she clapped half-heartedly and rolled her eyes.

Once all were sorted, Headmistress McGonagall pulled out five bowls with five colored envalopes inside. Harry and Hermione chuckled noticing some of the other Muggle Borns smile with them. This reminded them of the Hunger Games.

"Alright students I have here with me five bowls for all five houses. I will chose one Head of House from each Named Houses. And two Heads of House from the Eighth year house. Let's start with Hufflepuff. Seventh years, please stand." They stood as she reached into the Yellow Bowl. "Serana Widowwood."

She looked shocked, moving to the front of the Hufflepuff table. As the students at the Hufflepuff table sat back down, Headmistress McGonagall reached into the Blue Bowl for Ravenclaw.

"Ian Sumner-DueBao." His table clapped and cheered as he shyly and nervously walked to the head of his table. It barely showed but everyone in Ravenclaw, except the 1st years, knew he was in love with Serana.

Headmistress McGonagall moved to the Red Bowl for Gryphindor. "Ginervra Weaseley."

Harry, Ron and Hermione stood and ran to Ginny, hugging her joyously. Harry kissed her cheek and held her the longest, whispering in her ear something private.

As Headmistress McGonagall moved to the Green Bowl for Slytherin, the Golden Trio sat down, waiting patiently. "Ricardo Ruso." A Hispanic/Italian student rose from the Slytherin table. He winked at Ginny and she gave a fake smile, rolling her eyes.

Everyone grew silent as the Headmistress stood at the Purple Bowl for the Eighth year Bowl. She reached in and grabbed two envaolpes and looked at the Eighth year table. "And Finally, the Eighth years." She looked at the Golden Trio, smiling. "Hermione Granger."

She stood shocked and nervous, blushing as she covered her face. She hugged Ron and Harry, standing near Neville Longbottom at the center of the Eighth year table. "And Draco Malfoy."

She froze, the while school silenced in awe watching Draco and Hermione. She turned to where he was sitting as he stood. He was as shocked and as pale as she was moving slowly to where she stood, nervous to stand too close to her.

"Here are your Heads of Houses. Enjoy your year together."

Broken Hearts~ A Dramione Tragic Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now