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Prologue- Yellow Light

Jace's POV

The two strangers in front of me walked closer towards us and my mom and the guards all stepped in front of me growling. The woman, Sophia, just smiled and put her hands up, her mate, Jay, on the other hand stayed still and seemed to be in a statue like state. Something made me want to get to know them and what they wanted.

I put my hand on my mother's shoulder and said "Stop mom I don't think they are here to hurt us."

My mom looked back at me as if I was crazy and said "We don't know these people Jace, they are probably here to hurt you and I will not let them get a chance to do that."

"Mrs. Peterson we are here to get your daughters help in the upcoming war. I know that sounds bad, but we need her to win the war. She and another boy are the key to winning the war, please will you both just hear us out, and your husband wouldn't send us here for nothing." Sophia said.

I looked at them in shock, I can't be the key to winning anything let alone a war. I can't shift I couldn't do anything that would be able to even make a dent in the war. I think of everything that had just happened and I know I can't be the person they are looking for. I haven't had the chance to live my life yet I'm am just now getting the chance to be irresponsible.

I shake my head and said "I can't be the person you are looking for I mean I can't shift and I don't have any special powers, I don't even have any special talents."

"I am sure you are the person you are looking for. Though you may not have shifted yet or have special talents just proves you are the one we are looking for." Sophia said smiling slightly.

My face scrunched up in confusion and I shook my head. My guards still hadn't backed off and I gave my mom a look to tell her to get them to back off. She gave them the signal to stand down and they did, but they still kept their defensive positions ready for a fight. I shook my head at them even though I knew they were right to be cautious.

Sophia finally told us she would explain it all to us once we went inside and sat down. I turned around to go inside and my mom was right beside me and put her hand to my back and pushed gently to lead me inside. I winced and let out a gasp of pain, I had forgotten all about my tattoo and now my mom most likely will find out. I cringe knowing that she will blow up when I tell her what I did.

"What's wrong with your back Jace?" my mom asked with narrowed eyes.

"Nothing mom I think I might have a bruise or something, who knows I am clumsy." I said not able to look her in the eyes.

My mom raised her eyebrows and touched my back again. "I don't think someone would flinch and look in pain that much for a bruise."

I knew my mom was right and I had to tell her now. I can't find the guts to do it though. I look anywhere but at my mom right now I even look pleadingly at Sophia and her mate to say something about how urgent they needed to talk to us. Sophia shook her head and Jay smirked at me as if he already knew what I did.

"Are you going to tell me anytime soon what happened to your back or will I have to go to extreme measures to find out myself?" my mom said.

"I got a tattoo." I mumbled as quietly as I could and started walking towards the door.

"Jace come back here this instant." She said in her mom voice and I slowly walked back towards her like I was walking towards my death. "Now what was that that you said?"

"I got a tattoo." I said again looking down at my feet.

"Tell me that you didn't just say what I think you said." My mom said with that deadly calm voice that told me she was about to explode.

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