Snow Day

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It was a frigid winter morning, snow coming down heavily outside Hizashi and Shota's apartment. It was quite early, only 7am, but Hizashi had been up for quite some time. He was currently in the kitchen making a nice breakfast for his husband and his newly adopted son, Shinsou. Since there's no classes at UA today because of the bad weather he figured that they could all spend some quality time together as a family. As the last of the food finished cooking Hizashi set the table, soon hearing the familiar thumps of someone walking down the stairs. He placed the last of the silverware down by the plates, looking up to see a sleepy Shinsou standing there. The pajama-clad teen rubbed the sleep from his eyes and yawned,

"Smells good..."

He muttered, sluggishly walking to the cupboard and grabbing a mug as well as a packet of hot chocolate mix.

Hizashi smiled a bit as he watched the boy make himself cocoa. He was happy Shinsou had gotten comfortable living with him and Shota so quickly. It had only been a few months and he had already started calling him and Shota 'Dad' and 'Pops'! Speaking of Shota, he should probably go let him know breakfast is ready. Hizashi looked over at Shinsou, who was now sat at the table blowing on his cocoa to cool it down.

"Feel free to dig in, yeah! I'm gonna go wake up Shota!"

Shinsou muttered an 'okay' as the energetic man left the kitchen and walked down the hallway to him and Shota's room. He creaked open the door, peeking in to see Shota wrapped up in blankets like a burrito. His black hair was a tangled mess, a fine contrast from the peaceful expression on his face. Hizashi creeped over to the bed and sat by his sleeping husband, poking his stubbled cheek.

"Sho... I made you breakfastttt.. get upppp..."

Hizashi cooed, his hand moving to the other's shoulder. He gently nudged him a few times to wake him, but all he got in response was a groan and an unintelligible mumble as Shota furrowed his brows with a frown and covered his face with the blankets. Hizashi pouted, whining,

"C'mon Sho I even made you your favorite coffee! Don't you wanna come out and have a nice meal with us on your day off? I'll let you nap all you want to later.."

When he got no response Hizashi made a dramatic display of sprawling out on top of the blanket gremlin he called a husband, grinning when he heard a disgruntled, "Fine! I'm up, I'm up..." Before promptly getting shoved off.

Hizashi recovered quickly and let out an excited,

"Great! Now hurry up before the food gets cold!"

The blonde jumped off the bed and made his way back to the kitchen, taking his seat across from Shinsou who had a mouthful of pancakes.

"He awake?" He asked, though it was muffled by the food.

Hizashi nodded, filling his empty plate with eggs, sausage, and some fresh fruits. He tried to make a big variety of foods since he still wasn't completely sure of all Shinsou's favorites yet.

"Yep! He should be out here soon."

Shinsou hummed in response, grabbing the bottle of syrup on the table and effectively drowning the remainder of the poor pancakes on his plate. Hizashi raised an eyebrow but said nothing, mentally taking note of his sweet tooth. Just as Hizashi popped a sliced strawberry in his mouth, Shota walked in and grumbled,
"Morning.." sitting down at the table, picking up his adorable cat shaped mug and taking a long sip of coffee.

They all sat in quietly for a while as they contently ate their breakfast before Hizashi broke the silence.

"So I was thinking we could go out and enjoy the snow together after this? Maybe build a snowman or something?" the tone was hopeful, and Shinsou nodded,

"Sounds fun."

Hizashi grinned, looking over at Shota who didn't look very enthused at the idea of going out. Hizashi gave him his best puppy dog eyes, practically begging. Shota just stared at him blankly for a moment before sighing,

"Fine. But I'm taking a nap as soon as we're done, no interruptions."


The rest of their meal was spent comfortably, Hizashi chattering away as Shinsou and Shota made comments here and there. Once they were all done, Shinsou collected the dirty dishes and left them in the sink to "soak".

"I'm gonna go get changed and head out." Shinsou said flatly, going upstairs to his room.

"Okay!" Hizashi replied, going to get dressed himself. He put on a winter coat and boots, along with a hat after tying his hair up into a bun. Shota came in a moment later, throwing on a scarf, a hoodie, and just putting on another pair of sweatpants over the ones he was already wearing. Hizashi gave him an odd look to which Shota just grinned and shrugged. He has no excuse, he's just lazy.

When they went out the door of their apartment and marveled at the thick layer of snow on the ground they saw Shinsou already out and rolling a big ball of snow around on the ground. The purple haired boy, who was now dressed in a thick coat and mittens, looked over at the two men at the door.

"I'm making a snowman."

Hizashi was quick to join, making the middle section of the snowman as Shota just walked out in the yard and laid down to make snow angels. After a few minutes the base of the snowman was complete and they got to work on the details. Shinsou snapped off two small branches from a nearby tree for arms, and used some pieces of gravel for the eyes and mouth. Since they didn't have a carrot on hand he broke off a piece of tree bark to use as the nose. Hizashi watched Shinsou contently, chuckling a bit as he stuck some pine needles on the snowman's face for a makeshift beard.

"Look dad, I made pops as a snowman."

He looked to Hizashi with a satisfied grin, earning a laugh from the man.

"Oh man that's great!! But it's missing something.."

Hizashi walked over to where Shota was laying on the ground, bending over and stealing the scarf from his neck to put on the snowman.

"There, perfect!"

Shinsou snorted and the two spiralled into a laughing fit at their creation. Shota sat up to see what all the fuss was all about, unamused as he saw the poor representation of himself.

"You all are idiots." He said, though there was an undertone of affection in his voice. Hizashi and Shinsou looked over to him, catching their breath from laughing.

"Aw we love you too Sho~"

Shinsou nodded in agreement with a smile, but Shota quickly ruined the tender moment by chucking snowballs at them both. He hit Hizashi right in the face and Shinsou in the chest.

"......That's what you get for making fun of me."

They both gaped at first but glanced at each other, expressions turning sinister when they looked back to Shota.

"Oh it's ON now, Eraser!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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