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No one's Pov:

The skies are clear and full of stars and there were no ghost around causing mischief or destruction. It was a rare to get nights as peaceful as this in Amity Park. From a building with a  large "Fentonworks" sign that brights so high, was a teenager, watching the skies from his open window. 

His name is Daniel Fenton. He goes by Danny though. He also contained a secret. He was a ghost, a half ghost known as a halfa. But no just any half ghost, he was Amity's Park, greatest hero, Danny Phantom. Since the beginning of his freshmen year, he was always a half ghost. The memories of electrocution burning his body, the ectoplasm bonding with DNA was the only thing that kept him alive. Half alive. He grimaces at the memories. No human knew his secret. No one but his two friends who witness his half death, his sister who discovered the truth by accident, and his recently new friend, Valarie, also known as the red huntress who discovered his secret and begged for forgiveness.


"Sam, we can't. My parents warned me not to enter it." Said fourteen year old Danny Fenton with his arms crossed on his chest.

"Come on Danny! Think about it! Another dimension filled with ghosts!"  Said  Sam, a girl with amethyst eyes, short black hair with a small ponytail at the top and at the back of her head held by a green hair tie while wearing a black tank top with a purple oval in the center, a black striped skirt with a green crosshatch design, purple leggings, along with black combat boots and a pair of black bracelets around both of her wrists.

Danny still looked stern before looking at the unworking portal with curiosity, "Yeah, I guess so." He smiles, "It would be cool to see this."

"Yeah dude! Think we could do anything to start this baby up?" Asked an African American wearing glasses, a red beret with a long-sleeve yellow shirt, green cargo pants with a black belt, and brown boots while holding his trusty PDA and wearing his backpack.

Danny frowns, "I...I don't think so Tucker. My parents did warn me not to get near the portal....... but..." He looks down, "I guess we could do something. After all, they won't know, that I went against their orders, especially since they only care for their work rather than their children...."

Sam and Tucker look at the boy with sympathy. They knew how much their friend was not in good terms with his parents, for they constantly continue to ignore their children and put their focus on their work. Tucker didn't knew any of the experience since his parents never had ignore him once. Sam however can relate. Her parents constantly ignore her unless it involves them trying to get her to see their ways of their views or get her to wear pink clothing. But unlike Danny, she had her grandmother, who raised her most of her life.

In less than five minutes, Danny came in wearing a silver hazmat suit, with black gloves and boots. Sam then came in and removed the sticker of Jack Fenton's smiling face and replaced it with a "D" with a "P" infused with it.

"There, much better."

Danny shrugged and made his way inside the portal. It wass dark, so he placed his hand on the machine's wall and slowly began making his way inside. He looked around, but it was only filled with darkness. Then, his foot caught itself on wire. He tripped and his hand accidentally pushed the "ON" Button. The Fenton portal started to function. Danny stood up and looked around in horror. He needed to get out of there.

Before he could though, the pain began. His screams filled the silent house, and his friends screamed his name in horror and fear. The world began to slip away as everything was turning green all of the sudden. He was loosing his senses, his touch, his smell, his tastes, but before his hearing began to fade away, he heard them. He could hear their desperation, their fear, he needed to live! He had to. So he fought back as the electricity hit him with everything they had. Then, a miracle happened. The pain was gone, and the portal shut down for a moment. He panted hard. He was in so much pain, he was exhausted. He slowly made his way out of the portal,. He saw the horror in his friends eyes once was finally out as he slowly was loosing consciousness.

Danny Phantom trip to the Ghost Zone (Remake Addition)Where stories live. Discover now