Finnick x Reader

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Cashmere and Gloss pulled themselves out of the water, dripping with water and faces drawn in murderous glares. Katniss wasted no time in firing an arrow at Gloss and he dove into the water. Finnick spun around, slashing his trident in the air, looking like a God. Cashmere ran towards you but you shot at her with an arrow of her own. She dodged it, just like her brother. Speaking of which, he had just climbed onto the rocks when Katniss aimed for him again. This time, her skillfully shot arrow landed in his temple. He fell back and his sister sprung towards her.

Johanna's reflexes stopped Cashmere before she could reach her. Cashmere fell to the ground with Johanna's axe impaled into her. You took a step forward...only to be fling off your feet as the Cornucopia began to spin....

You, Finnick, Katniss, Peeta, Johanna and Beetee were flung of your feet. You fell to the ground and dug your hands into the soft sand, trying to find a grip as the world span. The water around the circle rose, crashing against itself in a mad fury.

The Cornucopia spun faster and the sand lifted, making you all lose your grip. You were flung down further, closer to the water. Your hand scrabbled loosely and you felt your body lift up.

"Noo!!!" Johanna's hand grabbed yours and you stopped falling. Her grip was slipping and she swung her axe into the ground. Your heart was beating madly and your palms grew slick, slipping out of Johanna's. "No, don't let go!" She tried to hold you tighter but your hand slipped out of hers. You lost the grip on your bow and you plunged into the angry waves of the water...

You vaguely heard Finnick calling your name but the roar of the waves filled your ears...

No matter what way you turned, you never found the surface. Your heart was thudding against your chest and air left your mouth in huge bubbles. Tears filled your eyes as you struggled against the waves.

Your head broke the surface and you gasped in a breath, only to be tugged down harshly. Water filled your mouth and lungs and you choked, trying to right yourself.

You registered that the spinning had stopped and the water was steadying. However, you couldn't swim upwards. The energy had melted away in the desperate struggle for air.

The heartbeats slowed, the breaths became weaker and your vision started to go dark. You whispered a silent apology to Finnick for not being able to protect him. Another apology to Haymitch for failing to do your part to save Katniss and Peeta...


A strong hand wrapped around your arm and pulled you up. Daylight filled your vision and the warm air tickled your face.

Something hard smacked your back, between your shoulder blades. Water rushed up from your lungs and out of your mouth. Another smack and more water emptied itself from your lungs. You managed to get your eyes open and coughed. Gasping for breath, you coughed again, noticing Peeta and Katniss looking at you worriedly.

The last of the water left your body and you slumped onto the ground, face first and panting.

"(y/n)!!!!" Finnick's cry filled the air as he run round from the Cornucopia. You try to get up but you have no energy left. All you can do is listen to the light footsteps of Finnick ans he runs towards you.

"(Y/n)...? (Y/n)?" Finnick gently turns you onto your back and you look up at him you bleary (e/c) eyes.

"Finnick?" Your voice is rough and croaky.

"Oh!!" Finnick's eyebrows raises in relief and he pulls you in for a hug. His strong arms wind around your waist and he holds you tight, gently rubbing your back.

"I thought I..." You wrap your arms around his neck and breathe in the salty smell of the water and the sweet smell of him.

"Shhh, it's ok. You're safe now, I've got you." He reassured you and rocked you from side to side.

Closing your eyes, you ran your hands through his bronze hair and sighed. You were okay. You had Finnick. You weren't going die. You buried your head in the side of his neck and took comfort in the smell and warmth of him.

The water lapped against the rocks gently and the others picked over the supplies in the Cornucopia as you and Finnick stayed with your arms wrapped tightly around each other, your breaths and hearts beating in harmony.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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You're okay - Finnick Odair x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now