Chapter 3

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I jumped into the pool and splashed everyone. "Hey let's have a diving comp"
"Let's do it" said Joey
"Yeah I'm in" said Liam
"What the heck" said Josh
Matt stood up and said , "ok so here are the rules everyone has to do a dive and Kyle and Christina will judge whoever wins gets to be the first narrator when we play mofia"
Josh did the first dive which involved him doing a small belly flop. Joey did the next one and he did a straight jump into the pool. Liam went next and he was semi competitive by doing a true dive. I went next I stepped onto the board and did three quick walks and did a double flip and landed in the water with a minimal splash. Everyone clapped. Matt did the last one but doing a cannonball. Kyle and Christina chuckled and then announced "we think that Rylie is the winner , Congrats !"
"Thanks guys!"

A few hours later

"I should probably getting home sorry guys thanks for a great party Matt !"

"Here I'll walk you out"

At the car

"Thanks again Matt this was super fun !"
"Hey so are you free tomorrow night ?"
"Umm yeah I am ,why?"
"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me ?"
"I'd love to !"
"Ok awesome I'll text you the details"
He wrapped me in a quick hug pulled away and said "your hair is cute by the way ."
Did he just call me cute OMG ok I have to text Lindsey

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