I'm actually Surprised!

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Hey Guys! I had ask on Dear Jerome for some advice about some problem I had. Basically, A Boy asked me to for a date with him however this boy was best friends with who I liked. I didn't want to break his heart because I am that type of person so I asked. They Told me to go for it and so I said Yes.

So After sports day, I got ready to go see the 'The Fault in Our Stars' again with him. I got to the cinema and Sat down waiting for him to turn up. Then the guy that I fancied walked into the cinema and came towards me. He said that we had been set up by our best friends because they knew we both liked each other. We went to the cinema and then we talked in McDonald's because why not?! We had so much in common like Mitch. Jerome, Sky etc and then got in an argument about merome. After the argument, I was time for me to go home (as I had a lot of homework to do) and he kissed me on the cheek and said that we should do it again. He then blushed and asked if I could be his girlfriend and I said Yes! I'm not alone anymore!

Moral of the story: Try things are they could always work in your favour. May the odds be ever in your favour

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