17; Really? Explosive?

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"I think the book's making it more obvious." Stiles pointed out, twisting his apple in his hand as he looked back at Allison. "Besides she's reading, anyway."

"So did you come up with a plan yet?" Scott asked, peering over his world history book at the twins.

"I think so." Stiles nodded, clicking his tongue. He noticed Scott grimace, his face falling in offense. "What?"

"That question was more for Ryan." Scott admitted, the two boys looking over at her. Ryan lifted her head off of the lunch table, pulling her hood back.

"Hmm?" Ryan sighed, rubbing her face and looking between the two. "Oh, I don't have a plan."

"Why don't you have a plan?" Scott's voice came out almost a whine, making her blink slowly at him.

"Why do you want her to have a plan?" Stiles's voice squeaked slightly, gesturing to himself. "I have a plan!"

"Your plans are stupid." Scott and Ryan spoke in sync, sharing a proud look at their like minds when it came to Stiles.

"But really, I don't have a plan." She absentmindedly rubbed her cheek, frowning as she felt a new bump forming under her skin. Stupid period.

"Again, I have a plan." Stiles took a bite of his apple, rolling his eyes at his best friend and sister.

"So does this mean you aren't mad at me anymore?" Scott asked hopefully, slowly closing his book. He quickly opened it up again as Allison glanced up from whatever book she was reading, the boy ducking his head once more.

"No." Stiles gave him an irritated look as he talked with his mouth full, much to Ryan's distaste. "But your crap has infiltrated my life, so now I have to do something about it. Plus I'm definitely a better Yoda than Derek."

"Okay fine, you teach me." Scott muttered quickly, nodding as he peeked back over the book.

"Yeah, I'll be your Yoda."

"Yeah, you be my Yoda."

"Your Yoda I will be." Both Ryan and Stiles snickered at the joke he made, Stiles taking another bite of his apple. Scott didn't respond, making him attempt to explain himself. "I said it backwards."

"Yeah, I know." Scott replied, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Okay, you know what?" Stiles smacked the table, shaking his head. "I definitely still hate you. Uh-huh-huh. Oh, yeah."

Stiles reached forward and ripped the history book out of his hands, grabbing his own notebook and backpack before standing up and walking off. Ryan let out a long groan as she watched Scott stand up quickly in panic, the girl grabbing her bag and following the two idiots.

"Scott?" Ryan and Scott glanced back at Allison, who was quickly gathering her things to follow him. Scott's eyes widened as he pushed Ryan out into the hall, the girl yelping as his finger dig into her ribs. "Scott!"

"Distract her." Scott whispered as they neared the boys restroom, grabbing her shoulders and spinning her around to separate him from Allison before diving into the bathroom.

"Wha-Allison!" Ryan forced a smile on her face as she propped herself up against the door, giving her a small wave. "What's up, girl?"

Ryan visibly cringed at her failed attempt at acting casual, Allison furrowing her eyebrows together. "What's up with Scott?"

"Oh, you know." Ryan chucked and scratched her head, struggling to find a viable excuse. Allison just stared at her, clearly not knowing. "Just a case of uh, extremely explosive diarrhea."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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