Ski Lodge

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Chapter 1- Winter Break

It was winter break at Abigail Adams High School and Riley and Maya has just arrived to Riley's house. The girls threw their bags on the floor and flopped down on the bed exhausted

"Finally winter break has arrived," said Maya looking sad.

Riley looks at Maya and begins to worry and ask Maya, "What's wrong?"

Maya answers, "I am just sad because I have no one to spend winter break with. I mean huckleberry and Zay are going to Texas for break, Farkle is gone with his dad and you guys are heading off to the mountains tomorrow to spend Christmas up there."

Riley studied her friend sadness evident on her face. Her wheels began turning until her whole face lit up with an idea.

"Why don't you come and spend Christmas with us this year at the mountains?" Riley asked.

Maya replied with a smile on her face, "Hey, that's a great idea. Mom has to work night shift at Topanga's every night during break so she will not be home anyway."

Later that night, Riley talks to Maya on the phone excitedly as they pack.

Riley asks Maya, "What time are you coming in the morning?"

Maya replies, "I will be there bright and early and I can't wait to spend some quality girl time together over break without any buys to get in our way."

Riley replies, "I know right, it doesn't feel right not to have the boys with us. I mean we have always been together with them."

Meanwhile, as Riley and Maya are on the phone talking, Cory is in the kitchen talking on the phone to Uncle Josh.

Cory says, "My brother."

Josh replies, "No, my brother. Hey look I know Christmas is next week and I wanted to see if I can come and speed break with you guys this year."

Cory replies, "Well actually Josh we are going up to the mountains and spend Christmas up there this year, but you can come along with us if you want."

Josh replies, "Sure, I would love to come and spend Christmas with you guys his year. I have one more class in the morning, but I can meet yall up there tomorrow night to have dinner with yall.

Cory replies, "That sounds like a plan and I will see you guys tomorrow night. Tell mom and dad we love them. Good night.

Josh replies, "Love you guys to and I will see you guys soon. Good night."

Josh hangs up the phone.

The next morning, Maya enters through the bay window with her bags and she jumos on the bed with Riley trying to wake her up.

Maya says, "Time to get up sunshine and get on the road."

Riley replies tiredly, "Ugh peaches I don't wanna, it's the first day of break."

Topanga comes up a few minutes later.

"Time to get up girls and get ready to head out for two weeks of fun," she said.

The girls get up and get ready as Cory and Auggie take the bags to the car.

They all piled into the car as they head upstate to the mountains. Several hours later they have to the lodge, but little did they know how much could change over their Christmas vacation.

Chapter 2- An Old Friend

While Cory and Auggie were unloading the car, Riley and Maya take off to explore the lodge. Topanga sees them leave.

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