Chapter 11

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              Neveah's POV

         I couldn't stand the looks on their faces..I couldn't read them. I felt like they were judging me so I did the first thing that came to mind..I grabbed my glove and ran.

             Tyler's POV

         I can't believe this. I thought she was covering up a birthmark or a bad tattoo.. not scars! I saw the look of fright on her face and before anyone could react she grabbed her glove and booked it out of the restaurant.

            Liam's POV

        Shit she made a run for it. All three of us stood at the same time and started chasing after her. 'Damnit why does she have to be so fast!'

             Neveah's POV

         'Shit where are we? I don't know this area.' I just blindly ran down street after street until I found myself in an alley. 'Great now I'm officially lost.' I sat down with my back against a wall and tried to catch my breath. I suddenly felt wetness on my cheeks. 'Am I crying? I haven't cried since I met these guys. They must be really bad for me.'

                Tyler's POV

         I was the fastest of the guys and quickly passed them in the rush to get to her. I saw her turn into an alley then, thank the lord, she stopped running and sat down. That's when I noticed the tears running down her face and how she hid her face in her lap and let her hair form a curtain around her.

              I walked over to her placed her in my lap and just held her to me. "Shh it's okay Neveah. It's all going to be okay." I whispered in her ear. "No it's not", she said back,"It will never be okay."

             Aaron's POV

          When we finally caught up to Neveah and Tyler we saw them in an alley with Tyler holding her to him with her in his lap. Liam and I slowly approached them and we heard her say to him, " No it's not. It will never be okay."                               ---Hello my lovlies. I wanted to write more but I decided to just leave it here. Sorry for the short chapter though. What do you guys think? Is she going to tell them about her life and let them in or is she going to be completely embarrassed and ignore them? Guess you'll have to find out later ;)---

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