The pre phase!

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Kiara was shattered,her first heart break! She was just a 15 year old girl to deal with the break up. Her first love was the only person she thought her life was all about. But he left,he left for another girl.

Kiara did all the things to get him back thinking he still loved her but he came up with a new girlfriend and Kiara was broken with this fact.

This was the time when she was stepping in to her college life. As all are excited when it comes to starting a new life,new friends,new flings,new crushes and so many more things. Kiara didn't feel any of these, she had a place in her heart for the boy who ditched her that badly. After all she really felt for him.This one thing in her heart never gave a chance for her to start everything at fresh or giving that place to an other boy. So many tried to make it happen but it never worked.

6 months of college life had passed,Kiara still had no boyfriend or even a single crush. Inspite of hanging around in college she preferred sitting at home in her own world.

Here came a boy into her life,Swayum!  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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