Chapter 4: Rex

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Making my way to my brother's engagement party, I already want to leave. I cant stand my parents with their country club ass friends. I scoff at the thought of it, but my baby brother of seven minutes is engaged. I haven't seen my brother in a few years but we talk every now and then. He's the only one in my family I can tolerate, maybe that's because he my fraternal twin.

Being fraternal twins always made life a race. As kids we would challenge each other to see who was the best. Who could eat the fastest, who could piss the furthest, who's girlfriend was hotter, you know, brother shit, but my parents made sure to make it known who was the best and the favorite. Ryan and I were close as fuck but polar opposites. Although, physically we looked similar, we couldn't be more different. He was the book smart twin and I was the college drop out. He was the conformist and I was, am, the rebel.
When we were 18, fresh high school graduates, Ryan decided to go to Harvard Law. As for me, I started a band. Music was the portal to heaven growing up and it saved me from making wrong decisions as a teen. Seeing as I couldn't disappoint my parents anymore so I decided, what the fuck, why not do what makes me happy. I struggled but Ryan supported my decision and stood by my side when my parents completely cut me out.

I owe my success to him. There were days where I didn't know when my next meal would come from, and call it a weird twin thing, it's like he knew. He would, some how, show up in my life again and help me out with anything I needed, even if I never asked. He has such a great great and humble soul. Here we are, 10 years later and I'm the front man to one of the top rock bands in the country and my hard-ass lawyer of my brother is getting married.
I drive up to my parents over the top estate. Never understood why anyone needs all this fancy shit. 7:58 PM. Right on time. I walk in my former home and immediately look for Ryan hoping I catch him before mom catches me, but of course, I have all the luck.

"Hunter, honey. I didn't think you'd be here", my mom says dragging out my name. I roll my eyes at her voice and continue scoping the room for Ry.

"Of course you didn't, mother. You didn't fucking invite me." I snap at her, still not looking at her.

"Oh, don't be such a prude, son—" I cut her off with my hand. Son? I hate when she wants to play the loving parent.

I finally spot my bother. In his arms, he's holding a petite blond and the way he's staring at her is like he has the whole world in his hands.

"Ry!" I yell across the room, walking towards him.

He turns in my direction and gives me a huge grin.

"Hunt! You made it man." He gives me a hearty hug and quickly turns to introduce me to his woman.

"Hunt, I'd like you to meet the woman who turned my life around, Olivia Pierce. Olivia, this is my twin brother, Hunter Carter."

Her mouth drops and her eyes widen.
"Twin? Holy smokes Ryan! I did not know you had a brother, let alone a twin!" She says obviously surprised.

I put my hands to my chest, pretending like I'm heart broken.
"Ouch, Ry. You never mentioned me to your fiancée?" I joke.
I grab her hand and kiss the back of it. "Very nice to meet you. I see you've picked the wrong brother but no hard feelings, you'll realize that soon." I say, smiling at her and her face turns beet red.

"Hunter, don't even." Ryan says pinching the bridge of his nose. I love to fuck with him. I laugh and I wink at Olivia.

We get to catching up and a few moments later, Olivias face lights up and waves at someone behind me.

"Vi! Yay! Oh em Gee!.."

I tune her out and continue the conversation with my brother. She must have seen someone she knows.

Moments later, they're right next to us. I start to look around for one for the guys floating around with drink trays. I could really use a drink or two, or five.

I hear my brother introduce us to Olivia's guest. "Hello, Violet. This is my brother, Hunter. Hunt, this is Violet, Olivia's best friend.

I turn to her direction and holy motherfucking shit. It's her! The photographer at our show from a few nights ago. The gorgeous brunette I couldn't get out of my mind since I laid my eyes on her. I try to keep my face from showing any emotions.

When she sees who I am, she chokes on her champagne. Woah, is she okay? Did I make her choke? Oh, I can make her choke alright and it wont be from any champagne.

"Are you okay, Vi?" Olivia pats her on the back.
Violets face is still in shock. I wonder what she's thinking. She sticks her hand out to me.

"Holy Violet, I'm shit." She blurts out. Did she just say that. I laugh in my head. She coughs and tries again.

"I'm sorry that didn't come out right. I'm Violet, not shit. Um, hi. I— I'm rambling. Excuse me."

She's so fucking cute. She turns around and is out before any of us can say anything, leaving the three of us standing there confused as to what just happened. Olivia looks like she's going to see if she's okay but I beat her to it.
"I'll go check on her, if that's okay."

"Um, yeah, sure." Olivia says

On my way to find where she took off to, I quickly go into my dad's bar and pour myself a full glass of whiskey. Definitely going to need it. I see Violet slip into the powder room and make my way back there. I lean on the wall and wait for her, sipping my whiskey and thinking about when I first laid my eyes on her.

We were performing at the Garden for our last leg of the northeast part of our tour. I can feel the energy of the thousands of fans cheering for us. After the opening song, I always look into the crowd and get a feel of our fans. I look down towards the bottom of the stage and I see the cutest brunette fidgeting with a camera and I feel the wind knocked out of me. She looks up at me to snap a shot of us and when our eyes meet, were both frozen and it's like life makes sense when I look into her eyes.
"Ahem. Earth to Rex..." Ace, my bassist says into the microphone waking me up from my deep daze.
"Heh sorry, This next song is dedicated to any brunette photographers out there." I say to the crowd, looking down at her, giving her a wink.
Throughout the show, I couldn't help but to keep my eye on her. I wanted to make sure I didn't lose her. I need to know who she is, need to know her name. By the end of the show, I looked around and hoping I would catch her. I even asked the other press that was there, maybe they worked together, No luck. She slipped out of my hands.

The jiggle of the handle brings me out of my memory and Violet emerges from the powder room. I look at her and smirk.

"Hi, Violet. I was waiting for you."

Damn, right I was.

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