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Summer break has just begun and just as I expected I'm already bored. I knew this would happen the only thing I've got is my old iPhone 5c and no friends. Let me you a bit about myself; My name is Elizabeth Reynolds but please call me Eliza (Elizabeth makes me feel old), I'm 13, an orphan and OBSESSED with broadway. When I was 9, my parents were in a car crash and both died on impact, I miss them both so much. If they were still alive I wouldn't be where I am now; stuck with a foster family that doesn't look after me at all. To them, all I am is a waste of space that gets them money. Their son, Brandon, goes to the same school as me where he bullies me constantly and makes sure that no one likes me. I used to have a best friend, her name was Lily and she stuck by me and protected me. That was until she was forced to move to America for her Dad's work she left me her number in case it got worse but I've never texted her. I guess I could text her now.

In the world of texting

Eliza - Hey it's Eliza, you told me to message you if it got worse and so here I am. Brandon and the Lawson's have gotten worse and are starting to hit me please text me back I need someone and you're the only person who's ever cared.

Unknown- Hey Eliza, I think you've gotten the wrong number, sweetie but you can talk to me if you would like?

Eliza- Erm sure okay just wondering who are you then?

Unknown- Oh yeah silly me, I'm Phillipa and obviously you're Eliza which is quite ironic because that's the character I play in the musical I'm in.

Eliza- Wait you aren't Phillipa Soo by any chance are you?

I grow nervous by the thought that I've accidentally texted my idol

Unknown- Yes I am so I'm going to assume that you like Hamilton?

Wrong Number (ADOPTED BY THE HAMILCAST) Where stories live. Discover now