How We Met

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Four years ago September third 2014 Columbus GA

"Sarah what are you doing?" I asked my best friend Sarah as she drove like a wild banshie.

"You'll see I promise, it's going to be fine don't worry." She said looking back at me giving me a devilish smile, as she drives faster down the back roads.

"Okay I'm trusting you this time, don't make it like the spider incident." I said remembering when she put a spider on my head, in my sleep too!

Ten minutes later we pulled up to the old tracks. This is where Sarah and I used to go when we got our first dirt bikes and quads. We only lived ten minutes away so we rode on Sarah's dirt bike.

"No way you did not bring me here!" I said at the top of my lungs and hopping off of her dirt bike. "Yes I did bring you here, and there's why." She said pointing at this guy on a quad.

Cool there's another person that might be normal, here at the tracks that Sarah and I made and found when we were eight.

"He seems cool, do you know him?" I asked looking at Sarah.
Sarah looked at me as if she were sad to say no. "No I don't know him, but he goes to our school he's 12 years old."

"Name please." I asked Sarah with my right eyebrow perked up. She looked at me like I was crazy for asking, but then again i'm not surprised about it.

"UGHHHHH fine i'll tell you his name!" She shouted as if he was meant to hear also. Sarah looked at me and then looked at the guy on the quad. He stopped, just stopped ridding the quad, he stopped as if it was nothing too, and he just listened.

"Okay what's his name?" I asked her one last time grabbing the dirt bike, getting ready to leave her if she didn't answer me.

"His name is Brendan." she said with a smile because she knows what i'm going to respond with.

"Brendan Urie! I'm kidding calm your ass Sarah." I said to her with the biggest smile on my face, that is until she said the next thing out of her mouth.

"His name is Brendan James, you know the schools biggest asshole that uses girls for a great time." my only thoughts were you've got to be shitting me. But, sure enough she wasn't shitting me, at all.

"Don't look now but he's coming over here."Sarah said calmly as I started panicking over nothing.

"Hey! I'm Brendan!" He shouted over the noise of the four wheeler while turning it off.

"I'm Macey, and this is my friend Sarah." I said after giving him three seconds to turn of the four wheeler.

"Nice to finally meet the girl Sarah's been talking about, I'm guessing you're her best friend." He said as if he knew me.

"Wait this is where you've been Sarah for the past three weeks?" I said shocked because I thought she went to the beach with her family.

"Yep this is where I've been!" She said all peppy with a hop, skip and a jump.

"Fuck you man, that's not cool man." I said with a pout on my face.

"Oh cheer up Bello." Brendan said to me as he took my hand in his and brought me on the back of his quad.

"Here we go I guess." I said before we took off on the quad.

Going up and down the dirt hills Sarah and I made. This is so fun! I haven't done this in two years ughh it's all coming back now. The memories of Sarah and I riding the dirt hills and the parts of the track our dads help us make.

"How did you learn to drive a quad?!" I screamed over the loud noise of the four wheeler.

"I live five minutes away and my dad found this place and got me one!" He shouted back coming to a stop fifteen minutes later.
When I drove Sarah and I home on the back of her dirt bike. When we reached my house, I got off of it and let her scoot up and drive home. When I went inside my dad was there talking to someone, most likely one of his work friends.

I went up stairs to my room and turned on the tv, then went into the upstairs kitchen, and made me some Mac n' Cheese. After twenty minutes of making my food I went back into my room and turned my tv to Netflix and pressed play. I spent the rest of the night watching Buffy the vampire slayer, thinking about Brendan, and washing dishes.

I guess he wasn't that bad, I said as I went to get ready for bed, because I was getting tired. I kinda want to know more, he really does leave girls wanting more like Sarah said.

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