Chapter 5

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Robin let go of Starfire and wiped his nose on his sleeve. "Sorry, Star," he said softly. Starfire patted his shoulder gently.

"It is the alright Robin." Robin got out of bed. Starfire frowned at him. "Where are you going," she asked.

"I'm gonna get some work done," Robin said. "Later." Starfire followed him out of his room.

"What kind of work, Robin?"

"Housework. Research. That kind of thing. Why?" Starfire breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought you were going to go out and fight the villains again," she confessed. Robin took her shoulders in his hands.

"Star, I'm never going to put you through that again. I just need to focus my energy in a different way." Starfire smiled at Robin.

"I am most glad," she said.

"I'm glad too."

Three Days Later

"Robin, you need to get some of the sleep!"

"I have no idea what you are talking about! I got a full night's rest last night!"

"Don't lie, Robin. We know you were up all night." Robin sighed.

"Okay, yes. I was up all night," he said. "That doesn't mean I'm going to take a nap in the middle of the day."

"Dude, you haven't gotten any sleep for the past three days!" Cyborg exclaimed.

"And I'm not tired at all!" Robin said cheerfully, while yawning. The other Titans exchanged a look. It was time to lock Robin in his room. And that's what they did. Raven, Starfire, and Beast Boy carried a struggling Robin into his room. They dumped him in the floor, then Raven held him back as the other Titans ran out of the room and shut and locked the door. Then Raven let go of Robin and opened a portal, making sure Robin didn't escape through with her. Starfire placed a hand on the door. "This was for your own good, Robin," she said. "I am the sorry. Please...please just rest." Then she walked into the living room.

Robin sighed and walked over to his bed. He laid down on top of the covers and stared up at the ceiling. His eyelids felt heavy. He couldn't keep them open much longer....


"Who are you, and how do you know my real name," Terra asked, eyeing Lillian. Lillian just smiled at her.

"I did a little...research. My name is Lillian Grayson, and I am on a mission to destroy the Titans, once and for all. However, I need a little help. Rose has already agreed to join me. I know you hate the Titans, especially Beast Boy, and I want to know if you'll join my team." Terra thought about it.

"On one hand, I do hate the Titans," she said, "but on the other I don't like Rose very much." Rose took a step forward, but Lillian held up her hand.

"Isn't working with someone you don't always agree with a small price to pay for revenge," Lillian asked. "Just think, we could wipe the Titans off the face of the Earth. All you have to do is join me." Terra thought about it a little more.

"Okay," she finally said. "I'm in." Lillian smiled.

"Come on," she said, taking Rose and Terra's hands.

"Hey," Terra protested.

"This is completely necessary," Lillian said.

"She's taking us to her home," Rose said. Lillian teleported them away from the lake. Within a second, they were standing in the middle of the attic. Lillian smiled at Rose and Terra.

"Feel free to look around," she said. "It's not much, but it's home." Lillian walked over to the other side of the attic and sat on her bed. She leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes. Terra started walking around. She took in the coat hook and the bench, then walked to the side of the attic. There was a table with a broken leg that was supported with a wooden block pushed up against the wall, with crates surrounding it for chairs. Terra walked over to Lillian's dresser. She picked up one of the framed photos on the dresser and frowned. "Why's Robin in this picture," she asked Lillian. When Lillian didn't answer, Terra turned around, frowning. Then she gasped, staring with Rose at the mysterious sorceress.

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