제 5 장

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She could hear the buzzing of the alarm in her head but thought they were just some noises in her dream so she dismissed it. That's when her eyes fluttered open and reality sunk in. She quickly recollected herself and glanced at the clock. 11:48. 

Instinctively she got up to go to her sibling's room.  It was more of a ritual now, to go to their room and see if they're okay because her parents would never. 

"Gureum, hey Gureum, wake up" She slightly patted him so that he could wake up. He groaned a bit but then opened his eyes. "Is it time?" He asked in a hoarse voice. She nodded and smiled. "Grab the bags, I'll take Yeoreum" She instructed and he acted according to what his sister said. 

She was trying to be as quiet as possible, as to not wake up her sister but even fate wasn't co-operating with her at this point.

"Unnie. Sleepy!" Yeoreum muttered. She couldn't form complete sentences yet but her speech was understandable.

"You can sleep all you want" She replied with a small eye roll. In reality, she was just trying to suppress her laughter and her sister's cuteness was the cause of it in the first place. Thankfully Yeoreum started sleeping even before they could leave the room.

They stealthily crept in the shadows of the corridor. She took a little detour and went to her room to see if she left something behind. After she has finished her brief search, they started moving.

"Move quietly" She whispered to Gureum.

Gureum was in front of her as she was slower and more careful because she was holding Yeoreum and keeping watch.

They arrived at the stairs but Gureum stopped. He was scared of the stairs because of something that happened two years ago.

He was a little kid but vividly remembered what happened. He was playing with some toys in the corridor, near the staircase. It was during the time when their step father started drinking heavily. Instantly the drunken man came and grabbed the said boy by his arm and started yelling. The little boy stared with eyes filled with fear and startle.

When the boy failed to respond to the drunken man, the man got angry and pushed him hardly. The staircase was near so Gureum tumbled down the stairs. He sustained serious injuries on his head and had a broken arm and collar bone resulting in him being hospitalized. It all happened in an instant but he remembers the picture of the stairs his eyes saw before he fainted at the bottom.

"It's okay Gureum. Noona's here" She spoke in a soothing and calm voice. "Hold Noona's hand" She spoke softly while extending her hand.

Gureum looked up with tearful eyes but managed to nod. She secretly admired the bravery of her little brother meanwhile. They slowly but quietly started walking down the stairs, Gureum stopped after every step or so.

They reached the end of the stairs and then steathily started moving towards the front door. Upon arrival, she heaved a sigh of relief but her hopes were soon broken by the sound of a glass shattering. It brought back painful memories to her.

Yeoreum had also woken up by the sound and was now gripping on her elder sister in fright.

She turned around in fear.

There stood the drunk man.

"Going somewhere?" He asked mockingly. She clenched her fist and moved a shocked Gureum behind her.

"Yes" Was all she replied.

The drunken man grew impatient and angry. He threw another empty wine bottle. It landed with a loud crash and shattered into thousands of pieces. It triggered memories again. The sad and painful memories were back. Small pieces of the glass pierced her skin as the bottle shattered near her foot but she didn't pay attention. Her PTSD was back.

❝Scar : 28❞ || Kim Taehyung ||Where stories live. Discover now