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A/N; IM BACK BBIES 💗💕💗💕💓💞💓💞💗💕

Jeongguk's POV

After I had dropped off Yoongi and gave him a kiss goodbye, I parked the car in front of Jin's house since I knew he wouldn't mind. I stepped out and took a deep breath as I walked towards Jimin-hyung's house which happened to be right next to Jin's house, how convenient?

I walked up to the front door of Jimin-hyung's house and knocked on the door. Not even a few moments after, the door opened to reveal a happy looking Jimin.

"Jeongguk-ah! There you are, I've been waiting to see you for soooo long!" He said happily which made me grin. "Jimin-hyung, I've missed you so much. Now, you going to let me in or are just going to make me stay out here?" I asked clearly sarcastically which made him shake his head.

"Oh yeah come on in, just be warned it's a little bit messy..." He said and pursed his lips before letting me in which made me chuckle.

"When are you ever not messy, shortie?" I asked and ruffled his hair a little bit. I love pushing his buttons sometimes since he just sighs and tries to beat me up, even though he most he'd do is leave a bruise.

"I really do hate you sometimes, Gguk. You're lucky that I have missed you so much or else I would've hit you harder than I have ever before. As you could see I've been working out." He told me with a smirk as he flexed his biceps, it was true that he did have a bit more muscle but it just made me laugh because of how he thought he was still able to hurt me. "Sureee thing, hyung. I soooo believe you." I said with a fake grin which made him just roll his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Now let's just talk and catch up on some things, yeah?" he asked and I nodded. But to be honest, Yoongi was on my mind the whole entire time. Was he okay? Was he missing me as much as I missed him? If only he was with me...

Yoongi's POV

I was coloring with Jinnie until I saw a bigggg spider across from me! "U-uh Jinnie?" I asked in a stutter as I slowly started to stuff my bag with the crayons and coloring books. "Yesh? What's wong?" He asked me with a slight tilt to his head, closing the coloring book he was just using and sitting up.

"T-there ish a s-spider!" I squealed and quickly stuffed my bag with everything else before standing up. Jinnie stood up too and took ahold of my hand, "Wunnn!" he squeaked and ran up the stairs, dragging me along into his room where we were safe.

"Wow, dat was a cwose one! Spiders awe sooo scawy..." Jinnie sighed and plopped down onto his bed which was covered with his stuffies. I joined him and hugged tightly, "I know... chu okay, Jinnie?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yesh... but can we have a tea pawty now?" He asked with a hopeful smile. "Of course! I could never ever pass up a tea part with my best fwiend!" I giggled. He hopped out of bed and waddled over to where he kept his tea set. I hopped out as well and helped him set up everything so that we can have our tea party. We then set up alllll of our stuffies so we can have some guest too!

"Jinnie! Did chu hear 'bout Mr. Bearington? He went on a date with Miss Bunny!" I said which made him gasp and take a sip from his teacup, "Weally? I thought he would've went out with Miss Wamb, since dey always a seemed wike dey had a cwonnection." He told me and I nodded in agreement.

"Oh, well Sir Quacks had an awful accident... he weally got huwt and dat made me vewy sad since he ish my besttt fwiend, other den chu of couwse." He said with a pout, "Dun wowwy Jinnie! He will be okie. Where ish he?" I asked and he just pointed across the room.

I saw a small yet chubby duck stuffie and I instantly recognized that as Sir Quacks. He had toilet paper wrapped around his head and I pouted as well, "He wooks vewy huwt! I hope he ish getting bettew..." I said and pulled Jinnie into a hug as I heard him sniffling a bit. I felt bad for Jinnie.

Jimin's POV

I was playing video games with Gguk until I heard two pretty loud screeches... at least I think that was what it was. We paused our game and looked out the window which was facing Jin's house. It was pretty strange since I thought Jin loved alone...

"Um, hyung? Can I go take a call real quick?" he asked me and I just nodded. I continued to look out the window and I sighed, "Maybe I should go check up on him tomorrow when I'm not busy..." I mumbled to myself. After a couple of minutes, Gguk came back with a more relaxed and relieved looking face than when he left to take his call.

"I just went to check up on Yoongi, he said that he's doing alright and that's good." He grinned and I made an 'o' shake with my mouth in realization. We went back to playing our game and I groaned when we lost. But at the end, we just laughed it off and decided to go back to talking, "Soooo, how's life treating you?" I asked and he smiled.

"It's been treating me pretty well. Yoongi has been the light of life recently and it's just been amazing. How about you? How's life treating you, hyung?" He asked me and I just sighed. "To be honest, not to well. You know the story since I told you before, getting evicted and having to move was not part of the plan... speaking of getting a new job and starting over with making friends sucks. Well on the upside, I met a really cute boy and all the jobs here are local and well-paying so that's good." I said and the only part, as I can tell that Jeongguk got was 'cute boy'.

"Spill." Was all that came out of his mouth as he was now interested and willing to hear what I got to says, "Well... he's 18 and just a small and shy cutie." I said with a grin.

"Well... what's his name, hyung?" He asked another question. I hummed and looked off into space..

"Jin~ Seokjin that is~"

A/N; I am soooo sorry that I kept you guys waiting, I hope you guys like this chapter !! 💞

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