Our gaze goes to the car outside. They were car keys..
Jin- Why not open the card first ? *his look was as nervous as it had ever been*
I think we were all confused and worried at what could be in the card. I decide to open it. I slowly pull off the envelope.
Mel- ....It's Blank?...
I pull it out fully, it says nothing on the front or back just; 'Your Welcome' In large curly writing rather alike this :
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We stood there looked at it confused, I looked to the car once again.
Mel- You don't think the keys are for the car?
No it couldn't be. Jin put his plate down as he had been stood, he draped his arms around me bringing me into a comforting hug to relax me, or help me think straight. It worked somehow, I relaxed abit. How? It was always him, for some reason I never know why. I look outside, the truck the car came with is still there.
Mel- I'm going to go outside, see what this is about.
Jin- I'll come with you.
Mel- Ok, I'd rather not go out by myself. Never know what they could be like.
I walk to the entry and pull on my trainers. One of the boys call through..
Yoongi- He's a wimp you know.
Jin looks at me shocked, as if to say 'how dare they'. Then his face breaks into a big grin, I suppose he knows they are just joking.
Mel- Oh I know. *I call through and hear them all laughing, Jin looks at me trying not to laugh, he punches me lightly in the shoulder* He's better than Hoseok though, Falling over when he gets scared. *I grin at Jin, I see he's trying not to burst out laughing*
Zel- Hey!
I hear Hoseok talking to them and laughing about it.
Hoseok- It was only like.. twice..
Jin and I left the house and walked out towards the truck. I turn and see them looking at us. I couldn't help but pull a stupid face at them. I turn back around to see Jin looking down at me laughing. We continued walking towards the truck until we finally reached it. God when did this driveway get so long. We looked at each other then walked the last small bit towards the truck. Jin's hand grabbed mine, I felt as if the others were watching and talking about this. I reached it first and knocked on the glass rather more forcefully than I had intended. I woke the passenger out of a sleep, clearly, he jumped almost hitting the roof of the truck in the process. I look at Jin unamused, he looks back at me the same expression on his face. He was clearly nervous, but just as confused as I am. I feel Jin's grip tighten on my hand, I tighten my grip. What if something did happen? Then what would we do? I know what I would do.. Well what I would want to do.. I don't know about Jin.