Lee Je No (Jeno) x Reader

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Jeno is from a group called NCT

He's in the subgroups NCT Dream and NCT 2018

When the two of you decide to hang out

-the two of you are already together

-and you just wanna hang out

-but you know since he's an idol

-he's busy

-all of the freaking time

-which you respect, because he has something he loves to do, and he does it for a living

-and he's good at it

-really good

-every time you see him perform you're always amazed

-even though you've seen it many times

-but anyway

-he has some free time

-and the two of you want to take advantage of said free time

-partially because you miss your boyfriend

-partially because you want someone to hang out with

-partially because you want to see if you can get him to casually dance with you


-he invited you over when he heard he'd have some free time

-some of the other dreamies kept asking if he wanted to go have fun with them somehwere

-but he kept saying no

-because he loves you

-and wants to spend time with you

-dreamies can wait for another day

-since they literally live together anyway so

-you came over right before the dreamies left

-managed to say hi to everyone without getting killed by hugs

-and various screaming from excited boys

-rip your ears

-the boys tried asking if you wanted to go with them

-but you kindly declined

-wanting to be with jeno and only jeno

-because it's not like you haven't gone to their dance practices or anything

-you just rarely get to see jeno alone

-unless he's dead tired and wants to sleep on your shoulder or something

-which has actually happened more times than he'd like to admit


-after the other dreamies left it was just the two of you at the dorm

-and for once he wasn't dead tired

-maybe he was sore from dancing

-but not tired

-so that's good

-at first the two of you settled on watching some random children's movies on netflix

-because that's actually really fun to do as a date

-especially when you've seen them

-because queue casual conversations

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