11. His Fiancé

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Rosé was Grey's fiancé. And his official one. Rosé walked to the stage and kissed Mr. Kingston on the cheek and then Grey. My heart skipped a beat. I was angry. But I didn't want to lose my cool. Grey was freaking out; his face was calm but his body wasn't.

"That will be all, thank you for your attention." Said Mr. Kingston cheerfully. They walked back to the front table I was sitting on. Grey was sitting between Rose and I. I wanted to cry so bad. I was sad, angry, and most of all, I was having a panic attack. But I can't show my weakness, I have to be strong.

"Grey, I didn't know you are my fiancé!" yelled Rosé hugging him in front of me. She saw me and stuck her tongue out.

"Oh, hello Celine," she said smug. Grey and Mr. Kingston both eye's widened.

"You two know each other?" Grey asked. I nod, Rosé rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, she is the new student in my class," I said. Grey knew of her already. Grey's hand was on my thigh. And his hand gripped on my knee. I placed my hand over his and he interlocked my hand with his, tight. He brought it to his face and kissed it. I blushed. Mr. Kingston was angry, but was glaring at me.

"Rosé, I have a girlfriend right now. We are pretty-" he said but was interrupted by her snobby voice.

"Oh, I don't mind for you to have a girlfriend right now. You will be mine when we graduate." She said. Grey's grip was stronger, squishing my fingers.

"Father, is this true?" said Grey with so much anger. Mr. Kingston smiled wide and nodded strongly. My heart just broke. I let go of Grey's hand and placed it on my heart. Grey saw me about to break in tears. I needed to leave before I start crying hysterically.

"Excuse me," I say trying to calm myself but I said in a crackly voice. I got up and fast walked to the bathroom. I turned behind to see if Grey was following me. He wasn't. I ran to a stall and slammed the door behind me. I started to cry immediately. My heart has started the first crack. This is so painful, Grey warned me that this was maybe going to happen. But I didn't think so soon. But also Grey told me, if it were to happen, he would defend me and marry me. But he looked so defeated. And didn't say anything. He promised.

I looked at my promise ring he gave me. I admired it. I took it off and placed it in my bag. Once I hear someone entered, I stopped crying. I flushed the toilet so I can cover me blowing my nose. I wiped my eyes and checked myself. My make-up was running. I took it all off and re-did it. I re-applied lipstick and walked out the bathroom. I washed my hands quickly and walked to the table. I see that everyone was laughing but stopped once I sat down. Grey never bothered to look at me.

"Father, I think it's time Celine and I took our leave," he said. His father sighed.

"Of course, Celine looks tired," Mr. Kingston said. I rolled my eyes. Grey got up and walked to his father and hugged. He hugged Rosé too. Rosé kissed him on the cheek and whispered something in his ear. I was mad. But I attempted my hardest not to yell something, or worse, start crying. I waved and walked with Grey. He offered a hand, but I ignored it. I was so mad at Grey that I kept quiet. We went inside the car and he broke the ice first.

"You are pretty quiet," he said. I lost my cool.

"Quiet! PRETTY FUCKING QUIET!" I yelled at him, he didn't expect me to yell, or cuss. He sighed.

"Sorry," he said quietly. He was such a coward right now. I have never seen him like this.


"I WENT TO THE FUCKING BATHROOM! I WAS HAVING A PANIC ATTACK AND YOU DIDN'T HELP! YOU ARE SUCH A COWARD!" I yelled at him. He looked at me with wet eyes. I would apologize but he doesn't deserve it.

"I am so sorry Celine. I just can't stand up to my father. You know that! And I feel bad about the fiancé. I didn't know about that, or the business." He said. He said. I was so mad at him. I just kept silent. I said what I needed to say.

"Just imagine how I feel, that the man that I love, was flirting and getting married with someone else in front of me, being humiliated by his own father. Just take a thought. It fucking hurts." I said crossing my arms. And starting to cry. Tears rolling down my cheeks. He kept silent.

"Celine, I promise that I will cancel it-" he said but I interrupted him.

"Yeah, just like you promised to be there for me. Yeah, keep making promises you can't keep. Just take us home." I said, crying. I felt his gaze.

"I can't. I got paper work tomorrow." He said. I breathed again before I yell at him. I just kept quiet. He started the car and drove where ever. He looked at me again but he asked something.

"Where is your promise ring?" he asked. Shizzle sticks I forgot to put it back on.

"I put it in my bag. I didn't want your dad to say something about it." I sad cool. I looked at him and I am pretty sure I went too far. His eyes were watery. 

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