Chapter 4 - Another Day

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First POV

Bitterly cold and humid - such a enchanting combination. Every surface, every blade of grass and twigs of trees covered in a white fluffy cover. Crystals hanging from branches reflecting the rising yellow ball in the sky. Children frolicking around throwing round puffs of snow at each other - joys of laughter filling the surroundings. But not me. I have to go to school in the cold winter of December at temperatures reaching -5.

The classroom was empty, well what did I expect I'm 10 minutes early. Sitting down in my lonely seat, at the back of the lonely class, I waited for home room to start. Students flooded in swarming the room, taking their seats, not one looked at me nor greeted me. I was invisible to them, a nobody. If you asked who I was they wouldn't know, I was non-existent.

A sharp silence slit the room as the teacher strolled in along with a girl. Must be a new student. Looking back down at my book covered in doodles and scribbles the girl introduced herself.

"H-hm my name is Megumi Tetsuna, nice to meet you!"

A bag dropped beside me. Tilting my head to the side I noticed the girl, Megumi, had sat in the seat on my left.


It was that voice I heard the other day. The sweet soft voice echoed in my head, reminding me of the memory that occurred just less than 24 hours ago.

"Hey you're that boy from yesterday right, how lucky I am to transfer to this school of all places. Well I look forward to being your class mate and friend!"

She put her hand out for me to shake. Friend. I have never heard that before, no one had ever been this nice to me and certainly not a cute girl like herself. Smiling I took her soft, smooth hand and shook it gently and replied, "Yer."

The bell rang for end of home room signalling first period. Glancing over to Megumi, my new friend, oh how I do like the word friend such a great a pure word it makes me feel wanted like I now have a purpose in life, to be a friend, ahhhhhh I so sad anyway. Glancing over to my friend I saw her struggling to figure out something that was written on a piece of paper. Taking a closer look I realised it was her timetable.

"H-here let me have a look"

As she handed over the scrap piece of paper I smirked at the cute way she had colour coded her lessons.

"Oh look your have the same lessons as me today, just follow me and I'll guide you to the rooms your highness"

Bowing I swung my arm out pointing to the door letting her lead the way so cringy. Covering her mouth she let out the purest giggle I could feel my face burning up.

ε-('∀`; )
So sorry I haven't updated in a while !!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote ☆〜(ゝ。
Nashi Shoyo xx

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