Slow Dance.

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*set a couple years back - George's school prom*

It was the night that everyone had waited for. Prom night. You were lucky to actually have a date tonight as your boyfriend, George, had told you that a lot of girls missed out on having someone to go with because they weren't ballsy enough to ask someone. Thank God it was already sorted for you!!

You were getting ready at your best friend's house. She had a date, George's best friend Cameron, and the boys were currently getting ready at George's house.
She had done you hair for you; curled with two braids from the front of your face pinned at the back, like a halo. You were just waiting for George to make a cringe comment about you looking like an angel.
Your makeup was fairly neutral, a slight shimmer to the eye and some winged eyeliner, as well as some glowy highlighter and a nude-brown lip. You wanted the dress to be the showpiece.

It was beautiful. George had helped you choose it so that he could match you with tie and pocket square colours. As soon as he saw it he knew you'd look great.
The top part was nude with diamantés carefully placed over it. The skirt was navy blue, long and hugged into you legs, not too much, but not too little. Your shoes were navy high heels to match and you wore silver jewellery. The look was complete and you looked stunning.

Y/b/f/n and Cameron had red as their prom colour. She looked fabulous, a long red number, a similar shape to yours.

It wasn't long before the two of you grabbed your clutches and headed down to George's house to meet the boys.

His jaw dropped as soon as he caught sight of you. Natasha had made you and y/b/f/n come in without the boys being able to see you, to add a bit more surprise and make the moment more special.
His eyes widened and he walked over, placing his hands on your hips. You looked into his eyes before scanning over his tux, his tie was blue like your dress.

"You look incredible," you said at the same time. You both giggled lightly, saying each other's names to relieve the jinx.
"Y/n. You look absolutely stunning," he whispered, taking in your body from the best braids in your hair to the nail polish on your toes. His hands moved from your waist to your finger as he played with them softly, letting yours tangle with his.
"What did I do to deserve this?" He mumbled, licking his lips cheekily.

You were taken aback by just how gorgeous he looked. Stood in front of you now, his eyes flickering over every inch of your body, he looked fucking brilliant.
His hair was slick and looked so fluffy and adorable at the same time. His jawline looked so sharp and he wore a couple rings. His watch lay partly hidden under the cuffs of his black suit, which you ran your hands over eagerly. "George, I, I don't know what to say," you breathed, your eyes finally meeting, "you're just so fucking perfect it's ridiculous".

Nether of you wanted to kiss yet. That had to be saved for later, while dancing or while having sex after the party (which you both knew was *definitely* going to happen).

Natasha insisted that you took about a million photos. She took a few for the other couple too, but wanted so many of you and George so that the rest of the family could pick which ones they wanted to frame.


The prom was being held in the school hall. The staff has decorated it with balloons and streamers and bunting, a string of fairy lights strung across the walls.
George was holding your waist as you walked in. He walked you over to the drinks table, where he poured you both a glass of sparkling water. Of course your school wasn't going to have alcohol for the kids.

You took to a table with your friends and his, chatting and laughing throughout the night.

About an hour and a half into the prom, the teachers forced the kids onto the dance floor in their partners. Most of them used "you need to make the most of your prom, it won't happen again," as an excuse. You didn't mind. But George wasn't the best dancer.

You guided his hands to your waist and placed your around the back of his neck. He smirked at you as you linked your fingers together.
"What?" You giggled, uncomfortable in his gaze. The two of you swayed slowly side to side, slow dancing to sound of Truly, Madly, Deeply by One Direction.
"You look so gorgeous tonight, y/n. I love you," he replied, a glimmer in his eyes. You blushed feverishly, feeling his arms slip to your back, pulling you in closer.
You laid your head on his shoulder, smiling contentedly into the silky smooth texture of his suit. He kissed your hair before squeezing your body tight, neither of you wanting to move.


we're halfway through this book already :(


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