Tree Of Freedom

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  Right now I feel calm. 

Just sitting outside listening to the rain. 

But now the rain has mostly stopped. 

So I sit silently and watch the few drops that fall off the roof.

 I slowly let myself sink into a puddle of relaxation and soothe myself with the reflection of the world. 

I watch the sad gray clouds move slowly because they have nowhere to rush. The grass a soft green with small patches of screaming yellow crying for more. The bark on the trees darkened from the small soundless drops that fall not slow but fast towards the earth but hitting softly. 

And when I bring myself out of the puddle, I long to go back. To see the beautiful green of the leaves on the trees and bushes I so wish to climb to freedom. 

And when I reach the top of the tall tower of choices I made myself; I can look down at the broken branches and think how many times I've fallen but tried again knowing I will succeed. And as I look over the small worth beneath me I wonder how many others are crawling slowly and climbing softly to reach the top of their tree of freedom  

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