Chapter 39: Pictures

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Finally, Ana and I made it home. It was very quiet and dark.

"Hello? Luz we're home!" Ana called and turned the lights on.

No answer.

"Luz? Babe ya llegamos" I called.

No answer again.

"Wonder where this girl can be..." Ana said.

"I'm wondering the same thing" We looked at each other, then we went to Luz's room, Ana right behind me.

"Luz, ya llegamos amor" I knocked softly and waited for an answer but again, nothing.

"No sera que esta mala or something?" Ana suggested.

"I don't know" I asked.

"Knock harder" I did as told but nothing.

Slowly, I started opening the door just to find an unmade and empty bed.

"She's not here..." I said.

"What?! You gotta be kidding me" I moved so Ana could see for herself and she busted right into the room and flipped the lights on.

"Oh my gosh where could she be?!"


"I've been through so much sh*t Vanessa I don't even know where to start" I said.

While those cabrones se fueron to have fun, I went over to Vanessa's house, another one of my close friend, and all I needed was someone to listen to me. Someone who would try to give me advice because honestly I was really confused.

"Here. Drink this tea and explain to me what exactly is this sh*t you've been through"

I took a huge gulp of the green tea she handed me and then put it down.

"Well, I'll start from when I lived in New York... Well, Royce and I had been friends and all ya know? So then he found me again and I toured with him for a month or a little bit more than a month because, as you know, I'm a stylist and I tour with singers. So then his manager, Sergio, raped me..." you would expect for a person to start questioning you right after I mentioned the rape part but Vanessa was different. Vanessa listened carefully, without interrupting, and saved her questions until the end.

"This happened around June. So then I moved to Texas and I tried restarting my life with the help of Ana. Okay, so I moved and everything went well for a while. I eventually found a job working with Enrique Iglesias. So then we became close friends and one day he came to visit me then BAM, next thing you know, we're both in bed. A month later I turn out pregger. I took care of myself as much as possible and then the unexpected happens" tears started streaming down my cheeks.

"They get me and kick me a whole bunch of times and kidnap me and it was just horrible. So that caused me to be absent for 4 months. My kidnappers were Arturo and his little narco gang. He was a narco and Bryan and Javier weren't an exception. Soon, Royce and Ana and Carlito were involved in it all. We went through some obstacles but overall I ended up not being a mother" More tears came.

"And then my parents took me in for a while but then threw me back like a dog with no feelings. You know how much that hurt me Vane?! Hurt me like H*LL. So I just gave up on that family and left them behind" I stayed quiet and thoughtful.

"What else aren't you telling me" Vane spoke up.

Damn it, this girl is too good.

"Today I did an interview and they asked me about Royce and I. Basically they asked if I had a relationship with him... I do but I don't wanna put him or me out into the spotlight like that so I denied it and I feel bad but that's not really what's bothering me"

"Then what is it mujer?!" Vane asked.

I gave a sad sigh "After the interview, I received some pictures from someone anonymously"

"Pictures of...?"

"Pictures of Ana and Royce. Hugging" I pulled out my phone and pulled up the pictures and showed her. She was acting very calm but I'm sure she was surprised deep inside.

"How do you feel about this?" Vane asked.

"What do you mean?! I'm really mad and its just frustrating as f*ck! I just wanna rip off my hair but I don't understand why they would do this. She knows Royce is mine and she has Carlito! It isn't my fault if Carlito isn't enough for her ass! But I just can't---"

"Luz, the more you stress about it, the faster you'll end up ripping your hair off and we don't want that. Take a seat, relax, take deep breaths and just forget about it. Forget about everything. Take a nap if you want. Just don't think about it because then you'll get headaches or worse"

"I guess you are right..."

"And if the pictures are real, I'm sure Royce will tell you about them in time..."

"That's right! He never hides anything from me" I closed my eyes and soon I was in a deep sleep.

I'd have to deal with Ana and Royce tomorrow...


Good night guys. Late night chapter like always.

So this bored me. To death.

How will these pictures effect Luz&Royce? (:


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