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"You girls ready? We better hurry up as we need to be in before late". I called out to my girls and after which, I continued. "Anika, tell everyone that they should all head out. The girls and I are heading downstairs now". With that said, the girls and I started our descent down the stairs.

Anika and the rest of everyone is a werewolf. Even my children as well are. Although, they haven't reached the age to shift yet as both their father and I are too. So, I know that Anika would be able to hear me without the need of me to shout seeing as weres can hear from far.

We decided to use our feet as we need the to feel the fresh air having been cooped up in the plane and car for a total of six hours with four hours in the plane and two hours in the car. So, yes! We need the walk. That plus, the fact that we need to know our whereabouts. Know your territory after all.

Looking around, I think back to my childhood days. This pack was the only thing I knew in my growing up days. As a child, I enjoyed walking these roads, the breeze e on my face, the freedom of being, myself especially with my best friend, Jasmine while we think of different pranks too . I miss those days a lot.

The period I shifted, I enjoyed running as my wolf, Claire. I usually love feeling the breeze on my fur. While competing with Jasmine. Not to brag or anything, Jasmine always comes second to me. Such fun filled days.

But after shifting, it all changed. My life changed. Though for some time, it still was much fun till the problems started. Well, what can I say; I got three beautiful children from that in as much as I lost two as well.

We continued moving forward till we came across a restaurant. It isn't too fancy neither is it too small but it is just like home. Peaceful, loving with that warm air that tells you that this is where you are supposed to be. Aunt Rosa's restaurant.

I'm sure that anyone that sees us walking down the road together would think more of us than there is to think on. That, and the fact that I didn't want to be found out either.

The more I leave them guessing, the easier it is for me to accomplish my mission here before I am found out. The sooner it is for me to end up with Clarke as well. The twenty five of us including me and my girls, you can just call us our own little pack. My own little pack.

On getting to Aunt Rosa's Restaurant, we all got in with the bell alerting the other customers of our presence. Anika went ahead to get us tables. She got us four tables close to each other and closest to the window. Everyone took their seats while two waitresses came over to take our orders. Everything was just like I remember.

There might little changes like different and newer table cloths, changes in some tables and chairs, but only that. The paint is still the same dull blue colour it has always been maybe with stains here and there but nevertheless, it is obvious this place hasn't been painted in like forever.

The furniture arrangement, still the same in as much as there are write-ups here and there. Even the curtains bear no difference as they are still the colour of the waiter/waitress apron. The tsi zuki kong fu technique sculpture still hung on the wall in that same position.

"Mum, is that the tsi zuki kong fu technique?" Rinda asked. Of coursed she would ask that. She had always been more akin and interested in the martial arts than her sister. Besides, this was the first place Jasmine and I started learning our arts from.

Like I said, everything is exactly like I remember even the pictures on the wall though about two new ones were added to the old ones but, it still is the same.

"Yes dear..." I started until I felt him. How, I have no clue. Maybe from my wolf still having that partial life in her but I know he should be here in... two seconds. And just like that, the bell to Aunt Rosa's restaurant opened and the person behind my being here waltzed in like a king who owns the place. I guess he is the king as he also as the alpha, own everything in his land.

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