Meeting the Titans

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Me:Ok this is the first phase of my plan

Ash:Who are you talking to

Me:the readers anyways

Bry:I can't believe we're about to meet the titans

Me:anyway east tower got destroyed so they staying here

Ash:how do you know

Me:because I blew it up anyway let's go Ash hand me the sleeping gas


Me:because Raven is a light sleeper

Ash:ok(throws it badly)


(Inside the tower)

Me:wow this place is awesome


Me:phase two Bry sleeping gas(hands me sleeping gas)thanks(loads sleeping gas into air vents)

Robin:Titans we're under atta(knocked out by sleeping gas)

Starfire:Robin what do we.(knocked out)

(Few minutes later everyone knocked out and tide to chairs)

Me:ok phase three (putting Raven far away from everyone and putting Cyborg and Bee's hands together)

Ash:really that was phase three


(Raven starts to wake up)

Raven:why am I not by my team(demon eyes)

Me:don't worry nothing's gonna happen

(Bee starts waking up)

Bee:what happened and why is Cyborg holding my hand

(Everyone wakes up)

Beast:why are we tide up

Bry:finally someone see's the real problem here

Ash:you're tide up by a phsyco fanboy

Me:we have discussed this I'm abnormal but anyway we're playing Truth or Dare

Robin:not this again and how do you fanpeople keep on getting in here

Me:once you've watched every episode of TTG you know your way around the tower

Ash:Exys why can't we untie them

Me:not until I hack the security system

Cyborg:you can't get through my fire(access granted) how

Me:if you spend your whole time with computers you tend to do stuff like this

Ash:I kinda wanna do something

Me:ok untie the titans

(Everyone's untied)

Me:ok first dare Raven get to slap BeastBoy any time she want

Raven:cool(slaps BB twenty times)



Me:cool:(hi fives Raven)

Me:ok truth for everyone who do everyone have a crush on

Raven:you(points to me)














Raven:oh hell to the no(bitch slaps BB really really hard)

BB:oww whyy

Me:nice one (hi fives Raven)

Raven:that never gets old

Me:next dare is for Beast and Duela 7 minutes in heaven(pushes them in a closet)
While they doing that everyone has to have a beach party except Beuela

(At the Beach)

BB:woah Rae looks good in that onesie

Me:oh heck to the no(slaps BB really hard)

BB:why did you do that

Me:because no one calls her Rae except Cyborg and me

BB:why you

Me:Because she likes me

(Back at the tower)

Me:ok Beaula you can come out now

(Walks out satisfied)

Me:ok next dare what's everyone's most embarrissing moment

BB:watching Raven in the shower naked

Me and Raven: oh hell/heck to the no(both slap BB at the same time)

Ash:my god

Robin:running naked around the tower

Beast:watching the nature channel

Duela:crying at night

Bee:hugging speedy

Cyborg:having no mouth

Starfire:having no hair

Aqualad:eating shrimp

Speedy:dancing with Bee's bra on my head

Bee:(bitch slaps him very hard)

Mas:being taught by Robin

Menos:me too brother

Ash:hugging my crush

Bry:losing to my little sister

Raven:crying when my mother died

Me:nothing well that was interesting but anyway keep commenting truth or dares

BB:(whispers)please let me kiss Rae

(Both hear him (and by I mean both me and Raven)slaps him)

Me:Bye guys

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