T W E N T Y | S H O R T D A N C E

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Short Dance: The first segment of an ice dancing competition. There are more mandatory elements required in this portion but skaters can choose their music.   

Rosaura thanked the flight attendants before stepping off the airplane. It was only a five-hour flight but had felt like an eternity with all the turbulence and kids crying in the back. Normally, Rosaura flew business class for her competitions but in the midst of everything, she had forgot to book her ticket back home. Her only option had been a crappy seat squeezed between two middle age men since it was close to Christmas and everyone was trying to get home.

The airport was bustling with people and Rosaura struggled to make her way to the baggage claim. It seemed that people were everywhere, all trying to flee the airport as fast as possible. Finally, with difficulty, she arrived at the Baggage carousel and waited for her suitcases to come. An eternity passed before she was able to grab her bags.

She opened her phone and called her mom who was supposed to be picking her up. Her phone went to the answering machine on the first bell and Rosaura sighed. She didn't think her mom would forget to pick her up. She was tired and sweaty; her arm still hadn't healed, and she did not want to take an expensive cab all the way home.

She stepped out of the airport into the chilly weather. Her eyes scanned the perimeter, looking for a taxi. Before she could step towards a cab, she heard a voice calling her name. She turned around to see a tall figure standing a few feet away. Rosaura squinted before realizing that it was her sister, Haya standing beside the family car.

A rush of warmth filled her body at seeing a familiar face after so long. However, with the monotone expression Haya was displaying, it seemed that her sister wasn't as happy to see her.

"I've been waiting for forty-five minutes," Haya said in a way of greeting.

Rosaura pursed her lips tightly. "There were a lot of people in the airport."

Haya completely ignored her before sitting in the front seat. Rosaura was left alone to put her luggage in the back of the trunk. Not in the mood to deal with her sister's annoyance and side comments, Rosaura slipped into the back seat. Her eyes met her sister's in the rear-view mirror.

Their eyes were so similar but so different at the same time. Sure, they were the same inky colour, but Haya's were much darker, filled with more secrets and walls that she hid behind. Since Rosaura travelled so much, she didn't get to see her sister much. The time they did spend together always left Rosaura feeling raw and unwanted. No matter how harsh her sister was with her, Rosaura was still the younger one trying to please her. It was pathetic, but she couldn't help it.

"Do I look like some kind of driver that you need to sit in the back for?" Haya asked her.

Rosaura sighed. She could argue but that would just take up more time, so instead she slipped into the front seat beside the dragon. Her sister pulled onto the highway and Rosaura stared outside, trying not to engage in a conversation. She could feel the glare from Haya every five minutes and finally she snapped the silence

"So, how are you?" Rosaura began awkwardly.

Haya snorted before gripping the wheel tighter. "Maybe you would know if you cared to call me or anyone in this family!"

"It's not like you called either." Rosaura snapped back.

She was usually calm, but her sister always brought out a dark side in her. They were six years apart and distance had not made their hearts grow fonder. A part of Rosaura always wondered if her sister was jealous, and maybe that is why she was mean to her. After all, her parents had poured their time and money into Rosaura's figuring skating career while leaving Haya to figure things on her own.

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