Chapter 2

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Garrett's point of view.
I decided to drive to Starbucks to help my gloomy mood. The guy I was talking too and the same guy who my friend Shane set me up with cut things off and is going to New York. I feel sad because I feel like I'm never going to find someone.

I pull into the Starbucks parking lot and the place is full, which is normal for a nice afternoon in L.A. I went in and ordered my coffee and went to go sit back in my car seeing that there wasn't anywhere else to sit.

I scrolled through twitter as I sip my coffee. I'm totally fine on being on my own it just makes me wonder why no one wants me.

I sighed and looked out my window to see the sky full of light blue and clouds. Soon I heard my text tone on my phone fill the silence of my car. I check to see who it was and it was Shane telling me to come over, Ryland wants to have a meeting.

As confused as I was I didn't waste any time starting my car and making my way there.
I parked my car and made my way down Shane's long driveway. I threw my empty Starbucks cup out and approached their front door. I was about to knock but didn't get to because the door flung open and I was pulled in by Shane.

"Sit sister!" Ryland exclaimed as he points to the couch.

Everyone was there. Andrew, Morgan, Me, Shane,  well of course Shane he lives there.. I wonder what's going on.

I sit in between Morgan and Andrew and waited for the explanation.

"Okay sishters, here's the deal." Started Ryland. "So my friend I've known for two years she's been an online friend for a while.. she lives in a super small town in Florida, born in Ireland." Added Ryland. "So with all of that being said she was living with her now ex boyfriend who punched her, she got aggressive back and the cops let her get a restraining order on him and now she needs somewhere to stay." Ryland smiled.

"Wait.. So you're saying.. that she's coming here to live with us?" Asked Morgan.

"That's right! Her names Shyanne, we call her Shy for short for reasons you'll find obvious when you meet her." Said Ryland sipping his Starbucks.

"But... where is she going to stay? I have the office already.." Morgan asked.

"Oh, she'll sleep in the spare room that we finally cleaned like a week ago." Shane said happily.

Everyone started laughing at Morgan's offended facial expression.

"Wow, so when is she going to be here?" I asked participating in conversation.

"If I'm not wrong a little after noon, she packed and left right away." Shane said.

"With that being said we are adopting another girl in our group? Does she have a YouTube?" Asked Andrew.

"Yes, she is being adopted into the group, and believe it or not she can dance, she was in flag team in high school, she loves to play the drums and guitar.. and between you and I she has an amazing singing voice, she doesn't have a YouTube but she has videos but hasn't posted them." Explained Ryland.

Everyone exchanged weird looks at each other. "Why..?" Everyone asked in unison.

"... Remember when I said we call her Shy for short? Well.. there you go." Ryland said.

Soon Rylands phone started ringing and he quickly answered it.

"Shy! You're at the airport already?? Hell yeah I'm on my way." Ryland said as he hung up.

"I'll see you guys later, don't tear the house down." Said Ryland as he grabbed his keys and excited the house.

Oh boy, another girl to the family I wonder what's she's like, I hope she likes Harry Potter!

"Oh and Garrett, don't talk about Harry Potter." Shane ironically.

"Wha- but what if she does?" I protested.

"ASSUME SHE DOESNT!!!" Shane yelled making us all laugh.

"So, we don't even get to see what she looks like?" Morgan asked.

Shane paused in his tracks and look at her. "You're going to see her, like soon." Shane says.

Morgan thought about it and shrugged her shoulders meaning Shane had a point.
An hour went by and we were all goofing off as Andrew films us. At the last minute we all decided to make Shyanne welcomed into the home, L.A. and the squad. Shane post mated a "welcome" cake and we found some random balloons laying around and for some odd reason he still had the helium tank from when we tried surprising Ryland.

"Morgan watch the window and spot the G!" I exclaimed.

"Ah!" She panics and stands in front of the window.

As we blow up the balloons and hang them up Shane stuck number candles in the cake which the number was "thirty."

"Uh..?" Andrew questioned.

"Look, these are the only candles we have." Shane said rolling his eyes.

Morgan looked over and laughed. "How old is this girl anyways?" Morgan asked.

"I believe twenty, she turns twenty one in July." Shane said.

Soon we heard Morgan.

"OH MY GOD I THINK- Wait. No, that was just a black Jeep." Morgan said looking back at us with an 'oops' expression on her face.

"Ugh!! Morgan! Andrew take her spot." Shane ordered making everyone laugh.

I took the camera from Andrew and filmed Shane.

"Okay guys, you may be wondering why all of this is happening. Rylands internet friend had an issue back home and needs a place to stay and according to Ryland she's super shy so we are trying to welcome her into our home and group so she wouldn't feel like we hate her." Shane explains.

Shane glanced out the window.

"That's them!" Called out Andrew.

Shane quickly rushed over to the cake and lit the candles. I turned off the lights and Andrew took the camera back and aimed it at the door.

We heard talking and Ryland unlocking the door as soon as the door opened I turned back on the lights and yelled 'surprise!!" Which made her squeak and jump back.

"Ah shit we scared her!" I cried out.

Her facial expression softens and she smiles. She's a very pretty girl, she has longish, curly blonde hair with brown at her roots, freckles that cover the bridge of her nose and the tops of her cheeks, and a beautiful aqua colored.. eyes.. I unfortunately can't see her other one because it has a big bandage on it that I assume was caused by her ex. For some odd reason I'm starting to feel dizzy and I feel sick to my stomach and my heart is pounding fast.. what the fuck?

She came over and greeted everyone. Ryland looked at the cake to see the numbers "thirty" on it.

"Wha- Shane!" Exclaimed Ryland.

"What?" Shane asked.

"Thirty? Really? She's twenty!" Ryland laughed.

I took a seat and tried to act like things are okay.

"That's all we had!" Shane laughed.

Shyanne blew out the candles and thanked everyone. Her voice was so soft.

"Alright guys, I'll show her to her room so she can get situated and we can all go out for lunch!" Ryland happily exclaimed.

Everyone cheered and I gave a lazy smile. Shyanne and Ryland walked off into the extra room.

"What's up with you?" Morgan asked.

I shook my head and looked up at Morgan. "Oh- what? Um I'm just hungry." I told her.

She gave me a weird look and shrugged. Honestly I hope it is just me being hungry, otherwise I don't know what's wrong with me!

The beauty behind surprises  - Garrett Watts x reader. Where stories live. Discover now