Chapter Fourteen

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This chapter is a bit of a filler chapter—HOWEVER, a lot of this chapter is extremely important for understanding Sebastian, and I mean truly understanding his character.

Hope you all can still find enjoyment from reading this chapter, even if it isn't quite like the others! 

Additionally, I would like to apologize for my break from this book and this website all together. It was absolutely inexcusable, and I am extremely sorry. 

On top of that, this book is very heavy, especially the most recent chapters as Evie deals with her trauma. If this in any way negatively affects you, I urge you to stop reading. 

Hope you all enjoy! 



Chapter Fourteen

"You were a child forgot,

Lessons of love untaught.

Now no embrace, can quite replace,

The one that never found you."

— Alison Sudol "The Beacon"

Olivia Day was seventeen when she gave birth. By that time, she had lost contact with her parents, and the father of her child wasn't fit enough to look over a plastic bag.

It didn't come as a surprise when in local news, it was revealed that he had overdosed on heroin, only three years later. He had been found in room with three others; there were no survivors.

It was almost fitting. Wherever that man had gone, he caused havoc. He was toxic, and those who lingered around him for too long often found themselves six feet under.

Olivia Day was the polar opposite. She had always seemed like the girl next door. Her parents were upper, middle class people, who had worked hard to get where they were in life. They worked so hard; however, that they forgot to give Olivia the attention and care that she needed, that any child needs.

Instead, they invested the money they had worked for, in nannies. They were neglectful, and hardly ever around.

So when someone started giving her the attention she had never received before, Olivia immediately fell victim.

For once in her life, someone, who wasn't on her parent's pay roll, cared about her.

He said everything right. He told her everything she wanted, needed, to hear. Olivia believed that he loved her, and that was all she needed to be convinced to sleep with him.

She had no idea that her parents, who claimed to love her but were never actually around, would throw her out so easily.

She had no idea that she would find herself homeless, at the age of sixteen.

When she was younger, she had imagined herself becoming a veterinarian. She had always loved animals, and working with kittens and puppies seemed like the most ideal job.

Olivia Day had dreams and ambitions.

They never included being homeless.

They never included her finding out that the guy she had given herself to was a drug dealer, one whom would later become an addict.

At the age of seventeen, on the seventeenth of October, she would give birth to a little boy.

Her little boy was seven pounds and two ounces, a weight she held in her arms for only a few hours before the adoption agency worker came to take him.

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