Chapter III, A New Life

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Emma's POV
I shut my eyes wide open the moment I felt life rushing to every inch of my body, directly from my heart. I took ind a huge chunk of air. It was like breathing for the first time in a lifetime. I looked up and saw the blue sky, and turned my head to see Killian laying just a couple of feet away from me. He turned his head and we gazed into each other's eyes. What just happened? I looked around to see Hope standing there with tears and a confused, overjoyed look in her eyes. I smiled. "Mom? Dad? Wh.. what? What is happening?" She said with a low shaking voice. I sat up and hugged her, and with in a moment Killian held us both I his arms. "Emma?" I heard my moms voice. I looked over and saw her with tears rolling down her cheeks. "What is happening?" I asked "Why are you guys so shook?" I looked at them with a questioning look. "Uhm.." Snow mumbled, Killian looked around us "Emma." He looked at the white cloth and the ambulance "I think we died" He said with a pause. "That makes no sense, I can feel my heart beat" I said with my hand on my chest.

Hope's POV
I looked at my parents and then down at my hands, how? what? Was just the start of my train of thought that was brutally interrupted by David. "THAK GOD! You're okay!" He said as he ran straight to Emma, embracing her with a hand on the back of her head, like he always does. "The paramedics told me you were dead" he said. "But were not" Papa said and held Emma's hand. "We're just fine" he smiled. "How is this even possible?" David asked. "I have no idea, are you sure we were dead dead. Like one hundred percent underworld D E A D?" Emma asked. I looked down at my hands again. "I, I think" my mumble was stoped by Snow "You must have been in a different state, and the touch of Hope probably woke some magic in you Emma, that woke you guys up." She said it determined and convincing all that whilst she gave me a look of, don't say anything. I just stood there quietly with a little forced smile. "You okay love?" Papa looked at me. "Yeah I'm fine, I think Snow is right, I'm just happy to have you back" I said.

Hours later I'm sitting in my room still thinking. I look at my phone - 5.18 pm. In the spur of the moment I get up grab my backpack from my bed and tried my best to open the door as quietly as possible, I knew my parents were home and I was just hoping that they were taking their afternoon nap. I snuck out in the hallway past their bedroom and stepped as careful as I could down the stairs, I got to the final two steps and felt in the clear. I walked normally down and walked to the front door. "Where are you going?" I herd Killians voice from the couch, damn it, so close I thought to my self. "Just gonna go for a walk, it's been a hell of a day" I lied. "With your backpack?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, well I've brought my laptop if I wanted to do some homework out by the lake or at Granny's" I said quickly. "Be careful and text me, not your mom if you're gonna be late." He said, he obviously didn't believe me but he let me go. "Thanks dad" I kissed his cheek and skipped out the door and down the stairs. I grabbed my bike, and rolled down the street towards town.

I knew exactly where I was going from the moment I sat in my room looking at my hands wondering what had happed. I rolled straight through down out on the other side with the forest and the cemetery. I got to the cemetery gate and got of my bike. For some reason I had never been here. My parents didn't want me to know how many people we had lost. I walked slowly looking at all the gravestones. 'Sheriff Graham' , 'Neal Cassidy', 'Robin Locksly' just to name a few of the ones I had heard the names of before. Without even thinking, was I ended up in the back right in front of the big vault, Regina's Vault. I walked up the steps and pushed the door open. I saw the casket standing there in the middle of the room 'Henry Mills' it gave me chills thinking about.
I had heard enough of the stories to know how to get down into the "interesting" part. I pushed the casket aside and walked down.

I looked around and turned the corner into the main part of the vault, I got a glimpse of a human figure before a light hit me and everything went dark.

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