The Only Exception Is You (James Maslow Story)

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At the age of 21 I had it all. I had a wonderful singing career that was just beginning and four best friends whom I love so much. Oops I forgot to introduce myself. I'm (YN) I'm 22 years old. I live in Venice Ca in a two story condo that I share with one of my four best friends whom is James Maslow from Big Time Rush. The reason as to why we live together is because we were both looking for places to live when we came across the one we live in now we both liked it. But we couldn't afford it unless we got it together. We made an agreement with each other and now we live here. Of course he pays more then me. Once in a while we have our disagreeing fights which would result in us giving each other the silent treatment until someone would break the silence. Fox is our little buddy. James loves him like a son. I watch Fox for James when ever he needs to travel. I love Fox as my own. Anyways I on the other hand study and work. I'm an employee at the Vans store at the mall I don't make much money but it's something. Recently for these past months I have been dating around trying to find the guy for me. Right now I'm getting dressed and ready to go out with a guy named David. I met him at school he seems like a really nice guy. I got dressed in jeans and a nice blouse shoes I decided on my black combat boots with my leather jacket. I grabbed my purse and went out to the living room to wait for David. I went and plopped down next to James and fox on the couch. J:" where are you going looking all spiffy?" I looked at him and smiled. Me:" on a date." J:" Oh okay. Um just promise me you'll be careful." I smiled and gave James a side hug. Me:" I promise." Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I pecked James cheek and walked over to the door and opened it. David was standing there. D:" Hi are you ready to go?" I nod. Me:"yeah let me just get my purse." I sprinted to the couch grabbed my purse and returned to the door closing it behind me. We made our way to the car. Once in side our date begun.

(Time skip)

It's been 3 months since I met David and went on a date with him. After that date he asked me to be his girlfriend. I agreed and I let him meet James. James on the other hand didn't like him. I realized that James hardly dated since he broke up with Halston. It was a very painful and heartbreaking heartbreak for him. But I always made sure to be there when he needed me. Since then he hasn't dated. We became closer to each other. We would cuddle when we watched movies and we would like do everything together. David in time started changing towards me by becoming more demanding and rude. It's gotten to the point where he gets jelous of my best friend James who is like a brother to me. All the love slowly vanished and a I made a promise to my self that I would never love again. For two reasons one is because I watched my dad go threw a heart break and second it's happening to me. It's Friday afternoon and I'm waiting for David to pick me up. We decided to go to the movies. James once again warned me to be careful but like always it went in threw one ear and out the other. Once in David's car he drove off then pulled over twenty minutes later. A angry expression across his face. Me:" uh David are u okay?" He looked at me and glared. D:" Do I Fucken look okay to you huh do I?!" He raised his voice at me. Me:" why are you so angry?" He swallowed. D:" IM NOT ANGRY IM PISSED OFF BECAUSE IM FUCKEN SICK AND TIERD OF YOU ALWAYS BEING AROUND THAT FAG FRIEND OF YOURS!!" Okay that's it nobody insults James in front of me. Me:" WHAT THE FUCK! JAMES IS NOT A FAG! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU PISSED. HE'S LIKE A BROTHER TO ME!! YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TIERD OF YOUR BULLSHIT AND I'M DONE! I'M DONE WITH YOU IT'S OVER!" All of a sudden I felt a sting on my face. He hit me. I looked at him one last time and ran out the car. Thank god he pulled over in front of a park. I hid behind a bush and waited till he left. I could hear him scream for me but I ignored him. Finally after a few minutes he drove away. I stood up from behind the bush and dialed James number it rang and rang. I hung up and called Kendall. It rang once and his voice came threw. K:"Hey (YN)?" I sniffled. Me:" K-Kendall." K:"(YN) what wrong? Where are you?" I looked around my surroundings. Me:"T-The P-Park by Y-your house." K:" Don't move I'm on my way!" Then I heard a click. I sat on a bench and fiddled with my phone in one hand and held my cheek with the other. Few minutes passed when all of a sudden I felt someone scoop me up in there arms. K:"sweetie what happened?" He asked with concern laced in his voice. Me:"David happened. Where's James I want James?" Kendall stood up with me in his arms and made his way to the car. K:" I'll call him when we get to my house okay." I nod as he sat me down in the passenger seat. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. He closed the door and got in the driver seat and drove off. Once at his house I looked at my face in the bathroom mirror I had a red hand print on my cheek. I walked out of the bathroom and sat on the couch next to Kendall. He faced me K:"Why did he do it?" I sighed. Me:"Ill tell you and James together. Im sorry I just don't want to repeat my self twice. He nodded his head and turned on the tv. A good 10 minutes passed when all of a sudden an urgent knock startled us. Kendall stood up and opened the door. James rushed in. J:"Where is she?" Kendall pointed at me but by the time he pointed I was already in James arms sobbing into his chest. J:"Shh its okay please don't cry." He carried me to the couch and placed me on his lap. J:" Can you please tell us what happened?" I nod. Me:" After we left the house he pulled over and started yelling at me. He said he was sick and tierd of me hanging out with the fag. Refuring to James. That pissed me off and I yelled at him and told him that I had enough of his bullshit and enough of him. That it was over then I felt a sting on my face that's when I realized he hit me. I ran out the car and hid in a bush until he left then called Kendall. He picked me up and brought me here." I hid my face in the crook of his neck. J:"Its okay he is gone. If he come back I will kick his ass." K:"NO WE WILL KICK HIS ASS." I smiled and pulled James and Kendall into a hug. Me:"Thank you guys." The rest of the day we just hung out and watched movies. I went home with James and went straight to bed. I pulled out my journal and started to write a song something that James through out the years taught me to do to express and realease my feelings. When I finished I read it threw and realized that I wrote about how I watched my dad go threw his heart break and how I felt about being and feeling safe around James. I ended up calling the song The Only Exception. I put my note book away and went to sleep. For the next few days I did everything with James and the guys. I was afraid to stay home. Over the months James became more protective of me. Since david I never trusted anyone. But for some reason I would only let James and the guys near me. Its Saturday night James went out with Carlos so I called Kendall over. Me and Kendall hung out until I came up with an idea. Me:" Yo Kendall um will you help me with something?" Kendall faced me and raised one of his bushy eyebrows. K:"Mmm sure with what?" I smiled. Me:" Wait here I'll be right back." I stood up and ran to my room I grabbed my guitar and journal and went back down and sat next to Kendall placing the guitar on the floor. He looked at me weird. Me:" See this? I want to make it a song with music not just lyrics." I handed Kendall the book. He took it and began reading it. K:"Woah this is good. You wrote this?" I nod. K:"Well lets see what I can do." He fiddled with some strings then looked up at me. K:"I have an idea. Come on." He stood up with my book and dragged me to his car. I noticed he texted someone then drove off. Me:"Uh where we going?" He just smiled. K:"You'll see." Shortly after we pulled up to Dustins place. I followed Kendall who just walked in like he owned the place. Dustin was on the couch. D:"Let me see." Kendall handed him my journal. D:" This is good now time to bring it to life. Follow me." We followed him down to the basement of the house. It was a recording studio. Kendall and Dustin began working on the rhythm and the sound. An hour later the song came out great. I loved it. Dustin burned it on a cd and gave it to me. I hugged Dustin and thanked him for helping. Me and Kendall went back to my house. James was already home. I walked in followed by Kendall. James on the other hand was watching tv. J:"Hey guys where were you two?" I smiled. Me:"we went for ice cream and hung out with dbelt." J:"Cool. Carlos had an emergency he had to go home to see Alexa. So I decided to come home and hang with you. But since Kendork is here him too. Can I hang with you guys?" I smiled and jumped on James who was lying on the couch and landed on his stomach earning a grunt from James. Me:"Of course you can. Right Kendall?" K:"It's cool with me." I was about to say something when Kendalls phone rang. K:"Shmello?...Uh freakin way dude... tonight?... can I invite everyone.... I got the perfect person for that.... Okay later dude..." I scrunched my eyebrows together. Me:"Who was that?" Kendall smiled from ear to ear. K:" Dustin. HeffronDrive got a gig only if we find someone to open for us." I smiled and got off James lap and hugged Kendall. Something was off though. Me:"Your hiding something? What is it?" Kendall studered. K:"Um I-I was um hoping you can open for us (YN) Please?" my eyes went big like saucers. Me:"ME!!! But I don't sing. Kendall I don't know." J:"Ill be back I gotta pee." Then he walked away. K:"Please (yn) or else HeffronDrive won't perform. You can perfrom the song we recorded today.please im begging you Please." I took a deep breath. Me:"Alrigth I will do it. I also have two other songs I have recorded." Kendall jumped up and hugged me. J:"Did I miss something?" Me:" Nope just that Kendall is performing tonight and he has an awesome opening act. Are you gonna go?" James smiled. J:" Heck yeah I would never miss my brother from anotha mothers performance. See ya tonight dude. Im gonna shower and get ready." Kendall nodded. K:" Okay. Um (Yn) since your helping me with what to wear Ill pick you up in an hour." I nod and hugged him. Kendall left and I went to change into some black skinny jeans my vans wedges and a red tank top . By the time I finished getting ready Kendall had already came back. Kendall and James was ready to leave. Me:"Lets go guys." They stood up from the couch and once they saw me their mouth dropped. Me:"Close your mouths before y'all swallow a fly." They shut their mouth. James spoke first. J:"You look amazing. Im loving the look." I smiled. Me:"Thanks." Kendall smiled. K:"You ready?" I nod yes and we left my house. The whole drive I felt nervous. Tonight was the first time I would sing in public. I never sang only into the mirror or in the shower. I WAS FREAKING OUT! I noticed we had pulled up to The Roxy Theater in Hollywood. We walked in and were greated by Dustin. D:"Uh Kendall who's opening for us?" Kendall smiled and pulled me to him. K:"HER!" Dustin looked at me and smiled. Me:"Don't worry I have something up my sleeve. So don't stress k." He smiled and pulled me into a hug.D:"Awesome. Don't wory it's a small crowed. You'll be okay." With that he walked away. K:"James go with Carlos and Alexa so you can watch the show. You don't want to miss the show." James nodded and hugged me. Then he wispered in my ear. J:"Your gonna do great okay don't get nervous or scared. If you start feeling that way just look at me k." I nod and kissed his cheek and he kissed mine. I watched him walk back to his seat next to Carlos. K:" You'll do fine. James is gonna love the song. I promise. Oh did you bring the flash drive with your other tracks?" I nod and hand it to him. Me:" In the order there in I'm going to sing them." K:" Alright head over to Dbelt for your mic pack. He'll help you set it up." I nod head off to find Dbelt. After finding him and getting ready it was time for me to go stage. I was presented then I went on stage. Me:" How's everyone doing tonight?!" the crowed went crazy. Me:" Alright well tonight its my first time ever performing. So I hope you all like my songs. The frist song im going to sing is called Stay the Night" I walked over to center stage and waited for the song. Then the music started. The whole time I thought of what James said and started to sing to the music.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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