lost hero

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The boy’s blade glowed with the lightning it had absorbed with his skyward strike. He aimed it at the beast in front of him, Demise. The monster smiled as the boy released the light, slashing it towards the sickening being before him, but Demise dodged the attack and sent his own version of the lightning spiraling towards the boy, hitting him hard, making him scream in pain as the electricity racked his body. He fell to the ground twitching slightly from the shock to his nerves. He pushed himself up from the watery ground; the once beautiful clear liquid beneath him was now crimson red from the dark twilight of the sky. Demise dashed forward to attack the weakened sky child but he stood quickly, rolling out of the way so that he would not be killed by the jagged blade that the monster had created from his own minion. The boy could not lose this fight… not with all that was at stake. He had made a promise. He would not lose his best friend.

Zelda’s POV

“…Impa?” I mumbled groggily to the sheikah woman beside me. Her blood red eyes looked over to me as a smile pulled at her lips.

“Your grace, if you have awakened that means it is done… your chosen hero has beaten demise.” She said softly, bringing a smile to my own face. My hero had won… Link had won.

“I wish to see him, Impa, will you take me to Link?” I asked, softly rubbing my sapphire blue eyes to fight the sleepiness that pulled at me.

“Of course, Zelda.” she answered before helping me stand, my pure white dress rippling as I rose. I started towards the door when my stomach churned. Was I afraid to see him? No… that couldn’t be it. I was ecstatic to see him again, to throw my arms around him and apologize for forcing him into this mess. I wanted to tell him what I had begun on the day of the ceremony, right before I was taken. I wanted to tell him how I felt about him… about us. But why did I feel so uneasy?

Groose burst through the door suddenly, his bright red pompadour slightly ruffled. Maybe he was excited to speak with me after such a long time. But I felt terror run through me at his expression, his eyes a mix of fear and sadness.

“Zelda, thank goddess you’re awake! But…” he started with a shaky voice.

“What is it, Groose? What’s happened?” I asked as calmly s I could even though my fists were clenched tightly at my sides to keep them from shaking.

“…Link…” Groose mumbled sadly. My eyes widened as soon as the name left Groose’s lips. I bolted past him and out the door, passing the gate of time as I ran to see my best friend. I pushed the heavy front doors open with a grunt as I stumbled out, Impa and Groose not far behind me. I ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down into the pit where Demise had been imprisoned. The intricate white markings and stake like stone were gone. But there was something else… or someone else, rather.

“No… please…” I whispered softly. It was Link, lying at the bottom of the pit in a pool of blood. I jumped straight towards the bottom making Groose gasp as Impa shot forward to teleport me safely to the bottom beside Link. I shut my eyes tightly as smoke enveloped me, making me gasp as the cool air danced around our bodies.

When we hit the ground I threw myself beside Link and touched his chest lightly, trying to wake him but all I received was a pained cry from his bloody lips. I pulled my hand away in fear of harming him any more then he already was. He looked so much worse up close. His skin was pale, making the blood look so much more vivid. His shirt was ripped in the front, right through his chainmail, exposing a horrible gash across his chest that slanted to his stomach. The hand I had touched him with came back bloody, sending chills up my spine. His right cheek was cut only slightly but blood still seeped from the wound and from his lips, making him choke. One of his arms looked broken as well. I carefully pulled him up so that he leaned against me, getting crimson smears onto the silky white fabric.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2012 ⏰

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