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"You're zoning out a lot these days, Jongin. Get your head out of your behind or else I'll do it!"

Hearing those words from our instructor, I felt like somebody had poured a bucket of cold water over me. This was the very first time that I ever got scolded by him, I have always been the favorite and most hard-working in the team.

And that's when my Godforsaken mind decided to put the blame on something most precious to me: you. I needed to focus on my work, especially after the break I had taken, owing to my injury. You were becoming a distraction. I was always too excited to meet you after the practices and schedules, and I kept losing myself in your thoughts. That was entirely my fault but my mind chose to blame you.

I wish somebody had beaten some sense into me then!

And so I started doing what I deemed right: ignoring you. I didn't call you for days at a time, and only barely replied to the texts you sent. All the time I convinced myself that this was for the better, that I needed to concentrate on work more, I had already lagged behind a lot.

I was such a selfish jerk! How long could I expect you to keep waiting for me? I kept ignoring you but you still didn't give up.

When I finally met you after months, I gave in, not wanting to ever move out of the comfort of your embrace. You told me how much you had missed me and I couldn't have missed you more. I wanted to kill myself for all the worry I put you through. I loved you so much.


A/N: I'm sorry for not updating for so long!

I actually made an account on Asianfanfics and started uploading this there as well, so it took some time to catch up to where this is now.

Anyways, hope you guys are not disappointed with this chapter. Stay blessed you all :) 

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