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Baekhyun's Pov

"Hey,I told you many times I'm not your brother,who was your brother anyway?"I got annoyed by the kid I adopted,never knew kid this days are annoying,this one is something though,something hitted me right in the center of my heart that tells me something is going on

"I forgot,but I know it's you!!!you're my long lost hyung"The kid keeped on jumping everywhere near me,we are in the living room of my own house

"I think you're mistaken,I'm not you're long lost hyung or something,I think you're hungry,how long have you been in that shelter?"I grabbed something for him to eat and cooked it

"Almost near 14 years,I'm 18 years old with the brain of a child,and I am not hungry"He's 18 years old?we almost have the same age!wow!

"Woah!You're almost in my age!we almost have the same age!what's your name again?Se Jun right?"He nodded,phew I thought I forgot his name,I would be disappointed on myself


"am I really old that you called me hyung?when were you born?"I cutted him off and blurted the questions in my head awhile ago

"Oh jezz!Well, you look and is older than me so?,oh and I was born on May 7"Wahhhhhhhhhhttttttttt,he is born AFTER my birthday!!!with different year...




"Give me food" he ordered "I thought you said-" he cutted me off "I change my mind,I'm hungry"

"Ok hungry"I started cooking his food and after that the doorbell rang and I ordered Se Jun to open it for me,it's probably just my friends

Se Jun's PoV

I obeyed Baek hyung,and when I opened the door I saw 11 ugly guys,they look like older than me

"Uhhh,where is Baekhyun?and who are you?"A guy with a chubby cheeks asked

"I'm Baekhyun hyung's adopted handsome brother,But I told him his my lost hyung but he doesn't believe it,but I'll make him one day believe it....come in!my brother is cooking me food"They just quietly obeyed what I said and sat in the couch while I went to the kitchen and told Baekhyun hyung that they are here

"Ok,now sit down and eat this,and when you are done, you can do anything!like anything"Anything?YES!

Back to Baekhyun's PoV

I will protect this kid no matter what will happen

I know we aren't blood related or that,I just have that feeling that I NEED TO protect him and love him,I feel connected to him eventhough it's just been 3 hours \(.__.)/

"Hey guys!what are you all doing here?"I sat next to Minseok,the eldest out of all of us here

"Well,we just want to see our precious Baekhyun!and....who was that kid really?"Chanyeol answered then questioned me

"Oh him?I adopted him hours ago,because you know?I don't really like being alone,and if I ask you guys to live here or come here every seconds,you can't do anything in your life too"

"Awwww,who are you and what are you doing in Baekhyun's body?"I hitted Luhan with someone's hand near him but it didn't hit,he just stuck his tongue out and did a goofy face and the person's hand I used awhile ago slapped me instead.....not seriously though

The Lost and Forgotten Brother ||Byun Baekhyun||Where stories live. Discover now