S2 〖Chapter 3〗

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√ |Rewritten

✡"See you guys next time!" Tzuyu waved goodbye to her friends before watching them walk away.Once her friends we're out of her sight,she then went inside her dorm,unlocking it as she close and lock the door again once she entered inside.

She look around and see no one in sight.The lights we're out so Tzuyu turned the lights on and see the mess before all cleaned.

Wow,I feel guilty for leaving Vivi and cleaning all the mess all on her own – thought Tzuyu.

She went towards the kitchen and saw a note on the kitchen counter as she went closer towards it and began to read it out loud.

Hey Tzuyu!

If your wondering where I am,I am with my friends at a Cinema,sorry I didn't make you any dinner since I am in a rush

Hope you understand :)


She let out a sigh before going towards the fridge and open it.Seeing some things as she grab them and place them in the kitchen counter as she close the fridge and went to a cabinet and grab some things as well.

Also placing them in the counter as she close the cabinet and went to a different cabinet and grab some utensils.

Once she finished eating half of the potato balls.She placed the remaining potato balls on the other side of the counter and place a plate on top of it as she write a note to place beside it.

Don't hesitate and eat the rest,pretty sure you have eaten already but please,it's all I can do for you doing all the chores that should've been done by the both of us

If you can't eat all of it,just place it on the fridge :)


She place the note beside the plate as she then grab the utensils she used before and begin to wash them.

✡After she washed the dishes.She checked the time seeing 07:48 PM,since her friend was still nowhere to be found.She then just went towards the practice room their dorm room has.

"I'm sure the walls are soudproof" said Tzuyu to herself."I mean.It is a practice room after all".

She grab out her phone as she attach it to the speakers.She scroll through some music's and found one as she tap the music she chose and quickly went in position.

Tzuyu then catch her breath as she went towards the mini fridge the practice room has and grab out a bottle of sprite.

She open the lid as she drink almost half of it.Her phone then began to ring as she went towards it and unplug it from the speaker and place it close to her ears and answer the call.

"Who's this?" Asked Tzuyu.

"It's me Funneh" answered the caller.

"What's up?" Asked Tzuyu as she place down her sprite in the table and sat down in the bean bag.

"So uh...I know this will be a huge shock but I hope you understand" began Funneh.

"What's the problem? Is anything wrong?" Asked Tzuyu.

"Me and Gold are going back to Canada because of Family Issues and somehow,involved me and Gold" answered Funneh.

"What!" Said Tzuyu in shock."But school will start in the next two weeks!".

"We know.We talked to Principal Desu about it and she agreed and said we will go to Canada before School Starts" said Funneh.

"When will you guys come back?" Asked Tzuyu,letting out a huge sigh.

"Junior Year" answered Funneh."I know it's a lot to take in but we have no choice.Family comes first".

"I support you of course" said Tzuyu."Not that I don't anyway.But what about our performance at the Back to School Ceremony,does the others know about this?".

"I know,Speaking of the others,Kyran and Lhurienz will join us" said Funneh,Tzuyu hearing her sigh."Unfortunately,Kyran has to come China because he needs to help his Family,While Lhurienz has to come to the Philippines because he needs to help his Grandmother that has a Disease".

"What! But we already prepared our performance" said Tzuyu."It will take days for us to rearrange things!".

"Calm down,Tzuyu" said Funneh."I know.I feel bad,you we're the one who did most of the jobs.You even wrote the lyrics! But please,we'll make it up to you....somehow".

Tzuyu took a deep breath before breathing it out."Sure,you better will.Now,answer my question,does the others know about this?".

"For Valerie,Evan,and Alec,they know.For Twice and BTS,not even a single word" answered Funneh."but Valerie,Evan,and Alec will tell them tomorrow".

"Now,get packing so you won't miss your flight" said Tzuyu,chuckling.

"Tell that to Gold" said Funneh,chuckling as well.

"Night" said Tzuyu.


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