Kim Jisoo x Reader

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Jisoo is from a group called BLACKPINK

I'm hype for their comeback

When you're an idol stressed about a comeback

Both of you are dating already

-both you and Jisoo knew that being an idol was not something easy

-you had been an idol for longer than she had

-she was close to the same age as you, just a little younger

-you were in a mix-gendered group that had 6 members in it

-your group had been pretty popular since debut, so having a comeback was only that much more stressful

-your group was expected to do great and have wonderful music

-because of this, you were under a lot of stress as the groups leader

-you already had long days as it was

-but with the comeback coming up your days were just stupidly long

-sometimes you'd get home at 3am just because you wanted to make sure you had a part of a dance down perfectly

-or to make sure you can hit the notes you needed to

-or to make sure that everyone else knew what they were doing

-or to help them if they needed help

-if you need some emotional support Jisoo lets you stop by her dorm

-no matter what time it was

-and today was one of those days

-it was 1am

-and you were stressed to the point of tears

-the moment she opened the door for you

-you hugged her hard

-buried your head into her neck

-and let it all out


-you sniffled

-"Need a break (Y/N)?"

-you hum in response

-she pulls you in and shuts the door behind you

-"What can I do for you?"

-"I need a break from this," you respond

-"Can I call the company and ask for a day off tomorrow?"

-you nod

-she does and they accept

-she turns on a movie and the two of you snuggle together on the couch until both of you fall asleep

-in the morning she wakes up before you

-so she makes food for you and the other members of BLACKPINK

-after the food was ready she came over and gently woke you up

-as it was you already felt a lot better because being near her was just so calming for you

-because the two of you really cared about each other

-and would tell each other literally everything

-and that's what you did the night before

-that alone helped so much

-let alone getting to now spend the whole day with her

-when you woke up fully and checked your phone you realized you had a lot of worried messaged and calls from the members in your group

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