Chapter 5

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It's such a scenic view, what lies beyond Remus's bedroom. In the years I've been on this Earth, I've never seen anything like it. I don't know how long I've been standing here, but I can't tear my eyes away from the glass as I take in the large waterfall that crashes below. My gaze travels up to the edge of the crested hill where the sun is slowly sinking behind the mountainside, casting an orange glow over the land.

The sun didn't look like this in the blight.

"Iris, move away from the glass."

I tense when the sound of Remus's voice carries across the room. I whip around to see him entering and move towards the edge of the bed with my eyes down. I hear the sound of his footsteps as he walks around me, not bothering to acknowledge me past his reprimand.

It took me two whole days to heal from his soul-sucking. It was a terrifying and painful experience I never want to feel again. The situation itself adds to the growing list of questions about the Leviathan race. But it does reignite the fear I feel for him. I've seen him very little during my recovery time, which is ok with me. The last thing I want is for him to get any ideas around me. Especially since he can make my body do what he wants just by touching me.

He chooses this moment to come up next to me, placing something on the bed.

"You can move," he says. I let out a relaxed breath, slowly raising my eyes. I'm not a fool. Remus seems to be a very powerful and calculating being. In the past months, he has laid out his expectations and given me corresponding punishment if they aren't properly adhered to. I know that he is preparing me for something. But for what, I have no idea. 

I don't bother looking at him, but to see what it is he's placed behind me. I furrow my brow in confusion.

A dress?

It's a beautiful dress. The dress is white with jewels that look like diamonds encasing it. The sleeves are long and elegant, but the length of the dress looks like it would fall to my thighs.

Remus takes a seat next to the dress looking up at me. His emotionless eyes roam over me adding to my unease. I've never met such a strange being. He's like a statue. He never smiles, never speaks, and hardly moves. He's obviously inhuman, but it's still unnerving and downright terrifying to be in a room alone with him even if I am aware of his true nature. 

He gently tugs on my arm pulling me into his lap. I keep my eyes trained on his chest, but my heart rate is already giving me away just being near him. He uses his hand to guide my face to his. Staring into his eyes takes my breath away. The color is entrancing. I can barely bring myself to think straight.

His eyes drop to my lips and I feel the cold splash of reality hit me. Fear comes at me in full effect as I recall his... feeding.

Remus seems to sense my emotions. The corner of his mouth slightly upturns. If I weren't so close to him, I would notice it. He leans into me, his lips lightly pressing against my shoulder. He places a soft kiss there before moving closer to the base of my throat. His lips latch onto the sensitive flesh and I let out a soft gasp as intense coils of pleasure spark from that spot. I feel the warmth of his tongue moving in a circle on the skin eliciting more pleasure. Against my better judgment, I release a shuddering breath, arching my throat. 

I feel the hard press of Remus's erection straining against his pants as I squirm atop his lap. His hands roam over my body until he is pulling me flush against him, a deep growl of approval emitting from his chest.

"Can you feel that?" he murmurs against my throat.

I don't know if he's referring to himself or my own arousal. I'm so lost in my growing need that I nearly jump out of my skin when the sound of a loud beep assaults my ears. Remus places a soft kiss against my shoulder, his laugh wafting over us.

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